Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Rainy May

Well, I managed to ride to work 3 days out of 5 the previous week. However, last week was just downright miserable. It was raining more often than not. And if it wasn't raining, the skies certainly look like it wanted to.

Surprisingly, this past weekend was quite pleasant. The sun decided to make an appearance and the temperatures started to warm up. A lot of folks decided to take advantage of this nice weather and do some gardening. I myself managed to pot up the annuals I picked up the previous weekend!

This week started off a bit slow. I guess it's mainly due to the Memorial Day holiday in the US yesterday. Today is a bit slow too. But heck, it's a good time to catch up on some stuff and to concentrate on some work. It's nice to not have so many interruptions.

In other news, my sister is scheduled for a C-section Thursday. The twins just refuse to come out on their own. It will be quite exciting on Thursday! I'm going to be an Aunt!

No wait... Wouldn't that make me seem old? :-o


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

News and updates

It's been over a month since my last posting...

The trip was great! We had a wonderful time and a few interesting adventures. I will have to relate in some detail the trip another time.

In the meantime, the first week I get back to work, I get hit with a bunch of news. Not all of it was good.

It looks like the company is going to pull out the development of one technology. I figure this was bound to happen because we never really grabbed as much of the market as hoped. Oh well...

The next piece of news was confirmation that the bulk of the work that my group was doing is being moved to Brazil. The reasoning behind this was that if we were to move on to newer technology we would need to give up something. I think it was all related to headcount and costs. In any case, it all kinda sucks.

As for good news, well, I did find out that my manager's wife is expecting their first child. Of course, a whole lot of us didn't know about it until she mentioned it during an after-work drinking session (no, I don't think she drank). She's due towards the end of July.

Also, just yesterday, information about the re-org of our group was given. It's still not really clear because it shows our team intact still. This was cause for some concern with some people. My manager did talk to some of us to give us some reassurance. It seems that it is planned that I would move to one of the other groups eventually. I hope this remains so when the transfer is completed. Nothing like being held back! :-p

Anyway, must get ready to ride into work!