I've been something of a slacker the past few days. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with lack of sleep due to a certain cat meowing away in the middle of the night. Of course, going to bed towards midnight does not help either. I need to good solid night's sleep. I've got a small dinner party to get ready for this Saturday!
Tonight I have two classes that I will need to stay awake for. By the time I get home it will be about 11PM. I will go straight to bed when I get home. I will see if I can sedate BS with some catnip. I really hope he stops that soon.
I am trying REALLY hard not to make any more unnecessary purchases. I came close again when I put things into the shopping cart. But, I managed to navigate away from the sites. I did purchase one thing last night. It was some software to perform PAL to NTSC coversion. Well, it does more than just that, but I haven't had a chance to see what else it does. :-)
Again, maybe because it's winter and the days are still short, but I find it hard to get motivated to do much. I really hope things change. Who knows? There might be something out in the horizon? I hope?
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Am I a Dreamer?

Sometimes I wonder if I am just a dreamer. At times I think I am a realist. Other times, I'm not sure what I am.
Why do I ask? I guess it's because I think I will watch Amelie again for the umpteenth time tonight. It's a movie I don't think I will ever get tired of. Sometimes I wish I could be like Amelie. A bit of a dreamer. She's got her routines and habits. Then something happens by chance and it throws her world into another direction. I think it's a nice movie. :-)
Weekend Recovery
Well, I really did not intend on it. Sort of. But, I went to MEC yesterday and bought some stuff. What did I buy? I bought: a Swiss Army knife (sport), a pair of gloves, some merino wool socks ($7.50/pair!), a Timex watch, a pink Nalgene bottle, and some Clif bars. I was hoping to find one of those high-tech, super-warm fleeces, but they didn't have what I wanted. I saw a pair of winter mocs (Merrell Cold Front), but they didn't have my size. :-p Just as well.
I had wanted to start disseminating my C++ assignment, but realized that the Library folder that the instructor referred to in class was not in any of the zipfiles that he had sent me. I emailed him last night about it. No reply yet. :-/ I guess I'll try to see how I can break down the problem for coding.
Today was not overly productive either. :-p I had wanted to do some picking up around the place, but not too much got picked up. I've still got a bit to do before next weekend's soiree.
Bluesh*t has really been vocalizing a lot lately. I really can't quite figure out other than perhaps he's trying to call out to Finster to come out. Of course, this is not going to happen. There are moments when I almost expect to see Finster curled up in a particular spot. Sometimes I almost think I see a dark blob somewhere. I can almost picture him lounging somewhere nearby. That's the thing about Finster. He's almost always in the same room as I am. Even when the other two have decided to go nap in the pet bed upstairs, Finster is still here or nearby. I'll miss his presence.
Meanwhile, I have been trying to beat back a possible cold. It's just a little bit of sniffling, but you know how sniffles can easily bloom into a full-blown cold! :-p So I have been taking some Cold FX and Emergen-C. So far, so good. Now I just need to get some extra sleep. I think I managed to sleep a bit more this weekend, but I still feel a bit tired...
I had wanted to start disseminating my C++ assignment, but realized that the Library folder that the instructor referred to in class was not in any of the zipfiles that he had sent me. I emailed him last night about it. No reply yet. :-/ I guess I'll try to see how I can break down the problem for coding.
Today was not overly productive either. :-p I had wanted to do some picking up around the place, but not too much got picked up. I've still got a bit to do before next weekend's soiree.
Bluesh*t has really been vocalizing a lot lately. I really can't quite figure out other than perhaps he's trying to call out to Finster to come out. Of course, this is not going to happen. There are moments when I almost expect to see Finster curled up in a particular spot. Sometimes I almost think I see a dark blob somewhere. I can almost picture him lounging somewhere nearby. That's the thing about Finster. He's almost always in the same room as I am. Even when the other two have decided to go nap in the pet bed upstairs, Finster is still here or nearby. I'll miss his presence.
Meanwhile, I have been trying to beat back a possible cold. It's just a little bit of sniffling, but you know how sniffles can easily bloom into a full-blown cold! :-p So I have been taking some Cold FX and Emergen-C. So far, so good. Now I just need to get some extra sleep. I think I managed to sleep a bit more this weekend, but I still feel a bit tired...
Friday, January 26, 2007
Moving On
Last night I came home to a less than full household. Even though he was just one cat, he just seemed to fill the void that is now there. He was never really a rabble-rouser, but yet, now that he is gone, I can sense that something is missing.
Blue Sh*t was acting funny last night as well. He was wanting more attention and affection from me. I just could not get him off my lap. He was more clingy than usual. I really wonder if he's disturbed by the recent change. I know that he has acted funny in the past when there has been some major changes in the household. If that is the case, then he is a rather insecure kitty. Whatever it is, I'll give him what he wants. I don't mind. I like the sound of a cat purring happily away.
I'm starting to feel better now. I can reminisce about the things that Finster has done without getting too choked up about it. However, when I see notes of sympathy or condolences, they still get me a bit teary-eyed. Only time will heal these wounds. The scars will still be there. If not, then we would not remember these times.
I think all of the stress and lack of sleep this week has taken a slight toll on me. I might have opened myself up to a slight cold. I thought it was just from the crying that I was a little bit congested. However, today, with some sneezing and sniffling I'm pretty sure it's the start of a cold. So now it's time to dose myself with a lot of Emergen-c and ColdFX. I have a small dinner party planned for next weekend! This weekend I think I will just try to relax a bit. I hope I can motivate myself to work on the C++ assignment and perhaps take some shots for the camera course. I guess I will still managed to keep myself busy even if I don't go out.
Blue Sh*t was acting funny last night as well. He was wanting more attention and affection from me. I just could not get him off my lap. He was more clingy than usual. I really wonder if he's disturbed by the recent change. I know that he has acted funny in the past when there has been some major changes in the household. If that is the case, then he is a rather insecure kitty. Whatever it is, I'll give him what he wants. I don't mind. I like the sound of a cat purring happily away.
I'm starting to feel better now. I can reminisce about the things that Finster has done without getting too choked up about it. However, when I see notes of sympathy or condolences, they still get me a bit teary-eyed. Only time will heal these wounds. The scars will still be there. If not, then we would not remember these times.
I think all of the stress and lack of sleep this week has taken a slight toll on me. I might have opened myself up to a slight cold. I thought it was just from the crying that I was a little bit congested. However, today, with some sneezing and sniffling I'm pretty sure it's the start of a cold. So now it's time to dose myself with a lot of Emergen-c and ColdFX. I have a small dinner party planned for next weekend! This weekend I think I will just try to relax a bit. I hope I can motivate myself to work on the C++ assignment and perhaps take some shots for the camera course. I guess I will still managed to keep myself busy even if I don't go out.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Cost of Death
It cost $85.46 to send a cherished friend away. $85.46 was all it took to send him down that path. The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. It took $85.46 to put Finster to sleep.
Yesterday morning was very hard for me. I don't think I've ever felt this way before. It's amazing and incredible just how emotionally attached one can become to a long time pet. I suppose after 15 years it's to be expected.
I find difficult right now to find much more to say. For those who have or have had pets, I'm sure you understand everything that has happened. If you haven't experienced it yet, I wish you much strength in getting through this eventuality.
I'll probably still get a little choked up every now and then. But for the most part I think I'm doing better now than I did 24 hours ago. I think work and last night's photography class helped to distract me and focus on other things.
I did manage to sleep through the night, although I didn't really go to sleep until half past midnight. I should try to go to sleep earlier tonight. I'm still a bit tired, but even 4.5 hrs of straight sleep is better than the restless night I had.
Now a new era begins without Finster. I still have some insulin and needles. I could see if there's any pet owners who could use them...
Yesterday morning was very hard for me. I don't think I've ever felt this way before. It's amazing and incredible just how emotionally attached one can become to a long time pet. I suppose after 15 years it's to be expected.
I find difficult right now to find much more to say. For those who have or have had pets, I'm sure you understand everything that has happened. If you haven't experienced it yet, I wish you much strength in getting through this eventuality.
I'll probably still get a little choked up every now and then. But for the most part I think I'm doing better now than I did 24 hours ago. I think work and last night's photography class helped to distract me and focus on other things.
I did manage to sleep through the night, although I didn't really go to sleep until half past midnight. I should try to go to sleep earlier tonight. I'm still a bit tired, but even 4.5 hrs of straight sleep is better than the restless night I had.
Now a new era begins without Finster. I still have some insulin and needles. I could see if there's any pet owners who could use them...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Well, I really had a hard time trying to sleep last night. Again, I got very emotional last night. I can also see that Finster is not feeling very well. He seems to be looking at me in askance. He also seems to struggle to meow a little bit at me. I know he's very tired.
I guess what made it very hard to sleep last night was that I have come to the decision to not wait any longer. This morning I will be taking Finster to the vet one last time. I think it's best for the both of us. As hertbreaking as it is, I don't want to see him like this any longer than necessary. Last night, he would not even touch the bit of canned food I put out for him. To me that is a clear sign.
The vet only opens at 9. It's just after 8 right now. It's also a bit ironic that Finster is in his carrier resting/napping. I really need to keep my mind focused on other things and not dwell on this too much otherwise I will never make it to the vet. I have to steel myself. It will be a long day.
I guess what made it very hard to sleep last night was that I have come to the decision to not wait any longer. This morning I will be taking Finster to the vet one last time. I think it's best for the both of us. As hertbreaking as it is, I don't want to see him like this any longer than necessary. Last night, he would not even touch the bit of canned food I put out for him. To me that is a clear sign.
The vet only opens at 9. It's just after 8 right now. It's also a bit ironic that Finster is in his carrier resting/napping. I really need to keep my mind focused on other things and not dwell on this too much otherwise I will never make it to the vet. I have to steel myself. It will be a long day.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
The Next Day
Well, I think I feel asleep right away last night. However, I woke up around 4:30AM this morning. I tried to sleep a bit more until the alarm went off at 5:00AM. Yeah, I get up at an insane hour.
I've been trying to keep myself distracted at work. For the most part, it's been working. The only time when it's been difficult is when I talk about or mention Finster to someone. I emailed a friend about it. He had gone through a similar scenario with the family dog. I think that anyone who has ever had a beloved pet would know what I and many others are going through.
I had lunch today with another friend. I had told her about Finster. I'm hoping that she'll have some time Saturday morning to give me some moral support when the deed is done. Worse case is I make sure that I have a box of Kleenex in the car. Thankfully, the vet's office is not that far from home.
I guess the next step is to actually call the vet to make the appointment. I am not looking forward to that. I might do it tomorrow.
It's times like this that make you wish you can suppress your emotions like a Vulcan. But, I guess this is what makes us all human.
I've been trying to keep myself distracted at work. For the most part, it's been working. The only time when it's been difficult is when I talk about or mention Finster to someone. I emailed a friend about it. He had gone through a similar scenario with the family dog. I think that anyone who has ever had a beloved pet would know what I and many others are going through.
I had lunch today with another friend. I had told her about Finster. I'm hoping that she'll have some time Saturday morning to give me some moral support when the deed is done. Worse case is I make sure that I have a box of Kleenex in the car. Thankfully, the vet's office is not that far from home.
I guess the next step is to actually call the vet to make the appointment. I am not looking forward to that. I might do it tomorrow.
It's times like this that make you wish you can suppress your emotions like a Vulcan. But, I guess this is what makes us all human.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Life and Death Decisions...
As a pet owner, there comes a time when one needs to make one of the most difficult decisions in their life. When a beloved pet becomes very ill the decision needs to be made as to how soon or later the beloved pet will depart from this world.
This evening, I brought my Finster to the vet to have him checked out because he was losing his appetite. It seems that he has lost yet another 2 pounds. The vet was able to get a urine sample from him. It seems that his kidneys are failing. Given that Finster is also diabetic, it does not help matters. His blood sugar has been fluctating. He's also got a heart murmur.
So, in a nutshell, if I decide to have him treated, it's only going to prolong the inevitable. According to the vet, we would only be patching things. I also think that to prolong his life like this is selfish of me and unfair for the both of us.
Finster has had a good 15 year run. He was diagnosed with diabetes when he was 8. I knew the day would come when the decision had to be made. I just kept it way, way back in the back of my mind. Now it's been pushed out into the front. I have to face this reality soon. I know it won't be pleasant. I know I will need some moral support. When I have this done, it would have to be this weekend first thing in the morning. Then I have the rest of the weekend to try to recuperate.
It just sucks knowing that this needs to be done. :(
Sunday, January 21, 2007
*Some* money spent..
Okay.. So I did end up buying something this weekend. However, it was something that was needed. I bought and downloaded Parallels Desktop for the Mac. I really needed to have a Windows environment for some stuff I am doing. It kinda sucks, but I had no choice. And I did not want to use my work laptop for some of this stuff either.
Weekend almost over...
So I went out and bought groceries. I think that came out to about $80 worth. I plan on making some ma-po tofu for dinner tonight. That should provide me with leftovers for a couple of lunchs. Tomorrow I plan to prepare chili in the slow cooker. That should take care of the balance of the week. I know it might seem a bit boring, but since I will be in class two evenings a week, I need all the time savings I can. As well, it's nice to have something ready for lunch or dinner as needed.
Otherwise, I think I am really starting to dread the winter blues. This past week has been pretty rough in that department. All I want to do is sleep. I don't feel too motivated to get much else done. It's really bad! I think when I continue my reading this afternoon, it will have to be away from this desk. The computer is just too much of a temptation and distraction. An easy way to procrastinate. When they start to give out the assignments, I want to be ready to tackle them. I don't want to be caught with my proverbial pants down. :-p
I am trying hard to ensure that my personal life and moods do not impact life at work. I think it's important to make that distinction. But the tiredness from the winter blues is really not helping any. I know that this coming week will be very busy for me at work. I know there are things I need to accomplish. My team leader will also be on vacation. Oooh! It might actually be a stressful week! I haven't had one of those in ages!
That's another thing. I seem to perform better under stress than not. I suppose that the pressure to get something done triggers something in me. It gets my thought processes going. I think my mind needs to be going a hundred miles a minute. I find that when I am not stimulated in this way, I am not as alert. It's kind of strange but true. But hey, what can I say? I guess this is how I operate.
Otherwise, I think I am really starting to dread the winter blues. This past week has been pretty rough in that department. All I want to do is sleep. I don't feel too motivated to get much else done. It's really bad! I think when I continue my reading this afternoon, it will have to be away from this desk. The computer is just too much of a temptation and distraction. An easy way to procrastinate. When they start to give out the assignments, I want to be ready to tackle them. I don't want to be caught with my proverbial pants down. :-p
I am trying hard to ensure that my personal life and moods do not impact life at work. I think it's important to make that distinction. But the tiredness from the winter blues is really not helping any. I know that this coming week will be very busy for me at work. I know there are things I need to accomplish. My team leader will also be on vacation. Oooh! It might actually be a stressful week! I haven't had one of those in ages!
That's another thing. I seem to perform better under stress than not. I suppose that the pressure to get something done triggers something in me. It gets my thought processes going. I think my mind needs to be going a hundred miles a minute. I find that when I am not stimulated in this way, I am not as alert. It's kind of strange but true. But hey, what can I say? I guess this is how I operate.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Weekend half over...
.. and I did not spend a penny today. I managed to avoid perusing sites that sold anything. Earlier I did sort of thought about buying an album off of iTunes, but I decided to hold off on it for now.
So what have I done all day? Well, for most of the afternoon, I have tried to read some C++. Dry reading as it was, I did do a little websurfing every now and again. I think I managed a couple chapters. Tomorrow I will continue.
I did start to put together a grocery list for tomorrow. I find that if I at least make this extra effort it helps tremendously in meal planning for this week. Especially since I will classes 2 nights a week now. So I will need to plan on having something to eat before I head off to class. I think I will make a pot of chili in the slow cooker or something. No, the slow cooker is still at I&J's place. I suppose to could swing by and get it before they go to the Hash...
One more day to get through without shopping... But oh! All of the temptations out there!!
So what have I done all day? Well, for most of the afternoon, I have tried to read some C++. Dry reading as it was, I did do a little websurfing every now and again. I think I managed a couple chapters. Tomorrow I will continue.
I did start to put together a grocery list for tomorrow. I find that if I at least make this extra effort it helps tremendously in meal planning for this week. Especially since I will classes 2 nights a week now. So I will need to plan on having something to eat before I head off to class. I think I will make a pot of chili in the slow cooker or something. No, the slow cooker is still at I&J's place. I suppose to could swing by and get it before they go to the Hash...
One more day to get through without shopping... But oh! All of the temptations out there!!
Ooooh, so close!
So, as I was writing the previous post I was also perusing the MEC site. I started to add stuff to the shopping cart. Then I had to make myself stop and think about what I was doing. I have to stop this! Must stop...
Bad Habits
Well, not really *that* bad, but for a weekend I think it's bad. And the bad habit is getting up early when you don't really have to.
As part of what I told myself and a few witnesses, I will avoid unncessary shopping. A few days ago, I had thought about going over to MEC. For what exactly? I think I was looking at some of their pants and stuff. I could use a couple more pairs of their merino wool socks (oh they are comfy!), but aside from that I really did not need anything else. And is it really worth it to shlep all the way over there by car (about a 10 min drive) for socks? Hmm...
I think this weekend I need to devote my time to studying for the classes I'm taking. I think I will still go to the movie this afternoon. Maybe. I think I will pass on the hash tomorrow in favor of some reading. I think I've been keeping myself busy the past few weekends with things to do. I think this weekend might be a good weekend to stay in and catch up on other things.
Yeah, reading up on C++ and XML will be a lot of fun! (O_o)
As part of what I told myself and a few witnesses, I will avoid unncessary shopping. A few days ago, I had thought about going over to MEC. For what exactly? I think I was looking at some of their pants and stuff. I could use a couple more pairs of their merino wool socks (oh they are comfy!), but aside from that I really did not need anything else. And is it really worth it to shlep all the way over there by car (about a 10 min drive) for socks? Hmm...
I think this weekend I need to devote my time to studying for the classes I'm taking. I think I will still go to the movie this afternoon. Maybe. I think I will pass on the hash tomorrow in favor of some reading. I think I've been keeping myself busy the past few weekends with things to do. I think this weekend might be a good weekend to stay in and catch up on other things.
Yeah, reading up on C++ and XML will be a lot of fun! (O_o)
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Things said...
Sometimes you come across something and say "Hey! I totally understand what you're saying!" Being that I frequent Matthew Good's website, his most recent post kinda hit home. It's something I can relate to:
"You work hard, you make sure that things are taken care of, that the people you love are taken care of, and a lot of the time you don’t really take the time to stop and think if you’re being taken care of – did the person who’s no longer on the other side of that bed take care of you?"
Food for thought...
"You work hard, you make sure that things are taken care of, that the people you love are taken care of, and a lot of the time you don’t really take the time to stop and think if you’re being taken care of – did the person who’s no longer on the other side of that bed take care of you?"
Food for thought...
Someone stop me!
I now realize that I have been shopping ALOT lately. I think I might have mentioned in an earlier post about things I have bought. It doesn't stop there. I have been making smaller purchases as well. It just adds up. I really need to stop.
If I'm not shopping, I am baking. This is almost as bad. It's gotten to a point where everyone at work almost expects me to bring something in every week if not every day. But when you're home alone and don't feel like studying or something then you look for distractions (aka trouble). I think that's what I have been doing.
So, I just got another Crumpler bag for my camera. I also just ordered a Sumo Omni as well.
Someone STOP ME!!!
Update: I am shopping to compensate for what's missing in my life at the moment. I think that is the actual realization...
If I'm not shopping, I am baking. This is almost as bad. It's gotten to a point where everyone at work almost expects me to bring something in every week if not every day. But when you're home alone and don't feel like studying or something then you look for distractions (aka trouble). I think that's what I have been doing.
So, I just got another Crumpler bag for my camera. I also just ordered a Sumo Omni as well.
Someone STOP ME!!!
Update: I am shopping to compensate for what's missing in my life at the moment. I think that is the actual realization...
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Yes. We have our first official winter deep-freeze of the season. I believe that last night the windchill got down to about -33C. That's pretty darn cold. :-p
I only had one class last night as the other was cancelled. I think the instructor might have been sick or something. In any case, it was a welcome respite as I have not been sleeping very well the past week. I hope I'm not coming down with something because I have a slight headache at the moment. Sometimes this is a precursor to the dreaded cold. I did take some emergen-C tonight. I had some this morning as well. I really would not be surprised if I had caught some bug while riding the metro last night.
Otherwise, things have been about the same. I'm still fed up with the dating sites, so I have not been frequenting them much these days. I might login to one just to look around, but I'm usually out of there in a few minutes. It just seems like it's such a huge waste of time.
I've really got to hunker down and start reading for the classes I'm taking. At least try to be ready for the first assignments. I should call it an early evening tonight and maybe organize my notes and shite...
I only had one class last night as the other was cancelled. I think the instructor might have been sick or something. In any case, it was a welcome respite as I have not been sleeping very well the past week. I hope I'm not coming down with something because I have a slight headache at the moment. Sometimes this is a precursor to the dreaded cold. I did take some emergen-C tonight. I had some this morning as well. I really would not be surprised if I had caught some bug while riding the metro last night.
Otherwise, things have been about the same. I'm still fed up with the dating sites, so I have not been frequenting them much these days. I might login to one just to look around, but I'm usually out of there in a few minutes. It just seems like it's such a huge waste of time.
I've really got to hunker down and start reading for the classes I'm taking. At least try to be ready for the first assignments. I should call it an early evening tonight and maybe organize my notes and shite...
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Winter wonderland...
It goes without saying that with significant snowfall (anything above a few cm) that everything gets thrown into some level of chaos.
Take for example my trek from work to the vet. I figure I should leave somewhat early and I did. I left the office at around 15:40. I arrived at the vet's office around 16:30. With no traffic and no snow I should get there in about 10-15 minutes.
There were no traffic issues on the way home. However, when I got to my driveway, that was another story. The contractor had come by at some point to clear the driveway. That was okay. Then, it seems that the city plows might have come by to do the street. well, it seems that a small snow bank formed in front of the driveway. I miscalculated the height of the mound. I tried to drive through it and got stuck. :-p Thankfully, a passerby was kind enough to help dig me out of that situation! So, in the end I finally got home at about 17:00.
Today is another story. It's downright frigid!! I wonder if we are getting the January deep freeze now. It's suppose to get down to about -22C tonight. Of course that's not factoring in any windchill. And I have class tonight on top of it all. However, my second class was cancelled tonight. Whew! That means I can go home after the first class ends at 20:00. Yay!
I have really got to get some reading done. I tried last night but I guess I just let myself get distracted. Tonight I really should try to read a bit. I tuess that means trying not to read in front of the computer. :-D
I guess I am a closet procrastinator. I know I should get something done, but I am letting myself get distracted. I've really got to stop that...
It goes without saying that with significant snowfall (anything above a few cm) that everything gets thrown into some level of chaos.
Take for example my trek from work to the vet. I figure I should leave somewhat early and I did. I left the office at around 15:40. I arrived at the vet's office around 16:30. With no traffic and no snow I should get there in about 10-15 minutes.
There were no traffic issues on the way home. However, when I got to my driveway, that was another story. The contractor had come by at some point to clear the driveway. That was okay. Then, it seems that the city plows might have come by to do the street. well, it seems that a small snow bank formed in front of the driveway. I miscalculated the height of the mound. I tried to drive through it and got stuck. :-p Thankfully, a passerby was kind enough to help dig me out of that situation! So, in the end I finally got home at about 17:00.
Today is another story. It's downright frigid!! I wonder if we are getting the January deep freeze now. It's suppose to get down to about -22C tonight. Of course that's not factoring in any windchill. And I have class tonight on top of it all. However, my second class was cancelled tonight. Whew! That means I can go home after the first class ends at 20:00. Yay!
I have really got to get some reading done. I tried last night but I guess I just let myself get distracted. Tonight I really should try to read a bit. I tuess that means trying not to read in front of the computer. :-D
I guess I am a closet procrastinator. I know I should get something done, but I am letting myself get distracted. I've really got to stop that...
Monday, January 15, 2007
Old Man Winter has arisen!
Well, it seemed that the mild winter weather we have been experiencing has ended. At least for now.
We're experiencing blustery winds and blowing snow. Expected accumulation about 15cm.
Want to see what Downtown Montreal is like right now?
Anyway, I hope I can go home early. I need to pick up some catfood for the little monsters. Hopefully I can get some reading done tonight as well. I've got class tomorrow and I would like to at least get some reading done beforehand.
Gee, I can't WAIT to see what the commute will be like later this afternoon.. :-p
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Late evening thoughts
Not that there's a whole lot of them...
So I decided to delete a couple of profiles from a few of the dating sites. I was just getting fed up and I really did not want to throw money at these sites just so I can obtain more info. Nope. Not going to have any more of that.
What next? I don't know. I'll just go with the flow and see what happens.
There's a reference made about people sometimes. It's the one where people are sometimes referred to as damaged goods. Just what does that mean exactly? When it comes to relationships and stuff, it seems that when one half is dumped, then that person is referred to as damaged goods. Or am I getting this totally wrong? In any case, I would think that it makes some people feel like castoffs. Well, sometimes castoffs still have some redeeming value. It's all a question of someone finding that castoff. Maybe another person will not see the other as a castoff. Anyway, that was a stray thought that just ran through my mind.
So I decided to delete a couple of profiles from a few of the dating sites. I was just getting fed up and I really did not want to throw money at these sites just so I can obtain more info. Nope. Not going to have any more of that.
What next? I don't know. I'll just go with the flow and see what happens.
There's a reference made about people sometimes. It's the one where people are sometimes referred to as damaged goods. Just what does that mean exactly? When it comes to relationships and stuff, it seems that when one half is dumped, then that person is referred to as damaged goods. Or am I getting this totally wrong? In any case, I would think that it makes some people feel like castoffs. Well, sometimes castoffs still have some redeeming value. It's all a question of someone finding that castoff. Maybe another person will not see the other as a castoff. Anyway, that was a stray thought that just ran through my mind.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Bursting a bubble
How does one go about bursting the bubble that encapsulates a person's little world?
There is a friend, whom I'll call Kitty, who needs to go beyond the confines of her little world. Another friend and I agree that she's become too dependent upon those that are part of her little world. At the same time, it seems that her circle of friends are all of a similar background culturally. As a result, we feel that she will never become an independent person.
I cannot think of any time when she hasn't already got plans to do things with this small circle of friends. Whenever we want her to join us for something, she's always got some friend's birthday dinner or some sort of practice that she has to attend. In fact, just because there is a person's birthday around a certain weekend a month away, she's already pretty sure there'd be some sort of event for it.
Oh, did I mention that she still lives at home? Yes, she is over 30 and still lives at home with her parents. I don't think that it's because she can't afford to move out. I don't think she's ever really developed a sense of independence. Sure she's gone away on trips for work, but that's not quite the same as living on your own for more than a couple of months.
Another thing about her is that it seems that she's always checking to see who's going to be at certain events before she decides if she's going to go. I get the feeling that she doesn't do too well around total strangers. This brings me to another subject: her social skills and tact could stand some improvement. On occasion she will say things that seem to be blurted out without giving any real thought as to the impact of her statement on people.
In any case, she still seems to have a certain naivity about her. At times she seems to display ignorance about some things. It could be her way to avoid certain subjects? Who knows. My friend and I want to break her bubble. We'll think of something... ;-)
There is a friend, whom I'll call Kitty, who needs to go beyond the confines of her little world. Another friend and I agree that she's become too dependent upon those that are part of her little world. At the same time, it seems that her circle of friends are all of a similar background culturally. As a result, we feel that she will never become an independent person.
I cannot think of any time when she hasn't already got plans to do things with this small circle of friends. Whenever we want her to join us for something, she's always got some friend's birthday dinner or some sort of practice that she has to attend. In fact, just because there is a person's birthday around a certain weekend a month away, she's already pretty sure there'd be some sort of event for it.
Oh, did I mention that she still lives at home? Yes, she is over 30 and still lives at home with her parents. I don't think that it's because she can't afford to move out. I don't think she's ever really developed a sense of independence. Sure she's gone away on trips for work, but that's not quite the same as living on your own for more than a couple of months.
Another thing about her is that it seems that she's always checking to see who's going to be at certain events before she decides if she's going to go. I get the feeling that she doesn't do too well around total strangers. This brings me to another subject: her social skills and tact could stand some improvement. On occasion she will say things that seem to be blurted out without giving any real thought as to the impact of her statement on people.
In any case, she still seems to have a certain naivity about her. At times she seems to display ignorance about some things. It could be her way to avoid certain subjects? Who knows. My friend and I want to break her bubble. We'll think of something... ;-)
Thursday, January 11, 2007
It's a bake-a-thon!!!
With your hostess... ME!
Yup! I'm at it again. I am baking this evening. I have got to stop this baking. But how?
It's one way to eat some of my evenings. It's something for me to concentrate on. It's a good thing I don't eat everything I make!
So what did I end up baking tonight? Apple Cake v2.3 (improved implementation of apple slices). Almond biscotti. White chocolate chip chocolate cookies.
And yes, I will bringing the bulk of these to work in the morning. A bit lazy about pictures tonight. I'll post them on Flickr probably tomorrow.
Yup! I'm at it again. I am baking this evening. I have got to stop this baking. But how?
It's one way to eat some of my evenings. It's something for me to concentrate on. It's a good thing I don't eat everything I make!
So what did I end up baking tonight? Apple Cake v2.3 (improved implementation of apple slices). Almond biscotti. White chocolate chip chocolate cookies.
And yes, I will bringing the bulk of these to work in the morning. A bit lazy about pictures tonight. I'll post them on Flickr probably tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
There are some days when you get this brilliant flash of imagination or insight. Then as soon as it appears, it disappears. Then you wish you had taken the opportunity to make note of the moment of brilliance. How often has that happened to you?
I sometimes do regret not taking that brief moment or two to note some things that go on in my head. Thinking about it now, maybe it's a good idea to keep a small notebook handy for such occasions. Actually, I do have this little orange notebook that my ex left behind. He had only written a couple pages of Japanese notes. I don't think he'll be needing them any more.
Sometimes these moments occur at work. I might have a notepad or something nearby but I never took the time to jot things down.
I think it's about time I started to do this.
Then, what would I do with these notes?
I sometimes do regret not taking that brief moment or two to note some things that go on in my head. Thinking about it now, maybe it's a good idea to keep a small notebook handy for such occasions. Actually, I do have this little orange notebook that my ex left behind. He had only written a couple pages of Japanese notes. I don't think he'll be needing them any more.
Sometimes these moments occur at work. I might have a notepad or something nearby but I never took the time to jot things down.
I think it's about time I started to do this.
Then, what would I do with these notes?
Monday, January 08, 2007
Music for my sanity...
It's funny but true.
I think that to a certain extent if it weren't for music, I would probably just go nuts. I really need to have something to listen too.
In the past 6 months I have been listening to a variety of things. I have also noticed that I would listen to one particular artist or type of music repeatedly for a period of time before I switch to something else. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. I think it's just the way the music happens to reflect my overall mood of that time.
Some stuff I've listened to a lot these past few months:
- Pixies
- Alanis Morissette
- Tragically Hip
- Death Cab for Cutie
- Matthew Good (most recently)
- various electronica (this actually hasn't changed much)
Lately, I have really been enjoying listening to the acoustic tracks on Matthew Good's In A Coma album. There's something to be said about acoustic guitar. Aside from that I seem to have developed a liking for his Avalanche album. There are some good tracks on that one.
I think that to a certain extent if it weren't for music, I would probably just go nuts. I really need to have something to listen too.
In the past 6 months I have been listening to a variety of things. I have also noticed that I would listen to one particular artist or type of music repeatedly for a period of time before I switch to something else. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. I think it's just the way the music happens to reflect my overall mood of that time.
Some stuff I've listened to a lot these past few months:
- Pixies
- Alanis Morissette
- Tragically Hip
- Death Cab for Cutie
- Matthew Good (most recently)
- various electronica (this actually hasn't changed much)
Lately, I have really been enjoying listening to the acoustic tracks on Matthew Good's In A Coma album. There's something to be said about acoustic guitar. Aside from that I seem to have developed a liking for his Avalanche album. There are some good tracks on that one.
Monday, Monday
Yes, folks! It's that time of the week again. It's that day that most of us dread when we wake up in the morning. Why? Why must we drag ourselves out of the cozy comforts of sleep for this?
I dunno.
I guess most of us have some sort of job that we must go to. Most of us have bills that will need to be paid. Most of us would like to have some food on the table too. Geez, that's a lot of stuff that needs to paid for! I guess that's life.
For the most part, the weekend had been okay. I ended spending some money on new glasses (will only get them either at the end of the week or next Monday). I ordered a new lens to go with the D80.
The Hash yesterday was pretty good. The walking trail was pretty lengthy. It was a good solid hour of walking. The weather wasn't bad as it was nice and sunny.
There's a few things going through my mind, but I don't think I will mention them here. They're not bad things, but you never know who reads this blog. :-) Sure, there's the stats counter, but by then it's too late, right? Anyway, the innocent will remain innocent.
I wonder where you can find a small garden gnome at this time of year? Hmmm...
I dunno.
I guess most of us have some sort of job that we must go to. Most of us have bills that will need to be paid. Most of us would like to have some food on the table too. Geez, that's a lot of stuff that needs to paid for! I guess that's life.
For the most part, the weekend had been okay. I ended spending some money on new glasses (will only get them either at the end of the week or next Monday). I ordered a new lens to go with the D80.
The Hash yesterday was pretty good. The walking trail was pretty lengthy. It was a good solid hour of walking. The weather wasn't bad as it was nice and sunny.
There's a few things going through my mind, but I don't think I will mention them here. They're not bad things, but you never know who reads this blog. :-) Sure, there's the stats counter, but by then it's too late, right? Anyway, the innocent will remain innocent.
I wonder where you can find a small garden gnome at this time of year? Hmmm...
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Doting Aunt that I am
Okay... Another rip-roaring exciting Saturday. ;-)
Wanting to save some money and energy, I decided that it would be a good idea to replace what incandescent bulbs I have with the energy saving ones. So I had earlier bought some that were equivalent to 60 watts. I changed what light fixtures that used 60 watts with the energy-saving ones. The floor lamp in the livingroom, however, used 100watt. I had to go out today to look for and buy ones for 100watt.
The problem arose when I wanted to change the ones in the bedroom. It seems that both light fixtures (ceiling mount) are on dimmers. According to the package, these energy-saving bulbs cannot be used with dimmers. Darn!
So now, if I want to use the energy-saving bulbs, I will have to change the dimmers to regular switches.

Thankfully, it looks like it should be an easy task since the 2 dimmers are seperately connected. It looks like this might be a small weekend project in the near future.
In the meantime, my blah-ness from yesterday seems to have subsided somewhat. I don't know why I feel like this at times. I wonder if it isn't a mild case of depression or something. I've noticed that on occasion that what goes on during the day has an impact on the overall mood. I don't think I am experiencing any extreme mood swings either. I will have to try to keep an eye on myself. I'm sure others around me would notice if something is amiss.
First Hash of the year for me tomorrow! Officially, it's the 2nd one of the year as there was one this past Monday that I did not go to. Oh well. I had mentioned the hash to someone at work. I hope he goes since it's not very far from where he lives.
Next week, I might be haring the hash with someone. I think. Never hared a hash before so this would be my first. I hope the weather is good for next weekend as well!
Wanting to save some money and energy, I decided that it would be a good idea to replace what incandescent bulbs I have with the energy saving ones. So I had earlier bought some that were equivalent to 60 watts. I changed what light fixtures that used 60 watts with the energy-saving ones. The floor lamp in the livingroom, however, used 100watt. I had to go out today to look for and buy ones for 100watt.
The problem arose when I wanted to change the ones in the bedroom. It seems that both light fixtures (ceiling mount) are on dimmers. According to the package, these energy-saving bulbs cannot be used with dimmers. Darn!
So now, if I want to use the energy-saving bulbs, I will have to change the dimmers to regular switches.
Thankfully, it looks like it should be an easy task since the 2 dimmers are seperately connected. It looks like this might be a small weekend project in the near future.
In the meantime, my blah-ness from yesterday seems to have subsided somewhat. I don't know why I feel like this at times. I wonder if it isn't a mild case of depression or something. I've noticed that on occasion that what goes on during the day has an impact on the overall mood. I don't think I am experiencing any extreme mood swings either. I will have to try to keep an eye on myself. I'm sure others around me would notice if something is amiss.
First Hash of the year for me tomorrow! Officially, it's the 2nd one of the year as there was one this past Monday that I did not go to. Oh well. I had mentioned the hash to someone at work. I hope he goes since it's not very far from where he lives.
Next week, I might be haring the hash with someone. I think. Never hared a hash before so this would be my first. I hope the weather is good for next weekend as well!
Friday, January 05, 2007
C'est le weekend, tabarnac! ;-)
Yay! First work week of the year DONE with!
I wish I could say that this week has been exciting, but I can't. Why? Because it just wasn't that exciting. I guess the only high point to the week was when I went out for sushi with some friends. That was the high point. And no, since I did not go out for New Year's Eve, that was not a high point.
What's on tap for the weekend? Well, I'm not really sure, but I think I will be going to LensCrafters tomorrow with a friend who wants to take advantage of my CAA membership and get a discount on glasses. I also need to look for a new pair as well. I just had my eyes examined just before Christmas. At least I'll get something out of it. Other than that, there were plans to go catch a movie in the afternoon with a meetup group. But that might get canned if I am just not in the mood to socialize. That and the fact I hadn't gotten confirmation back from another friend who expressed an interest in going as well.
If the movie is canned, then I might just work on installing Windows on my Mac Pro. I downloaded Bootcamp last night. I just acquired XP. Cross your fingers, boys and girls! This could be a bumpy ride! I am such a f*cking geek sometimes. Anyways, whatcha gonna do?
Aside from that, not much else that's terribly exciting.
General mood: "Eh"
I wish I could say that this week has been exciting, but I can't. Why? Because it just wasn't that exciting. I guess the only high point to the week was when I went out for sushi with some friends. That was the high point. And no, since I did not go out for New Year's Eve, that was not a high point.
What's on tap for the weekend? Well, I'm not really sure, but I think I will be going to LensCrafters tomorrow with a friend who wants to take advantage of my CAA membership and get a discount on glasses. I also need to look for a new pair as well. I just had my eyes examined just before Christmas. At least I'll get something out of it. Other than that, there were plans to go catch a movie in the afternoon with a meetup group. But that might get canned if I am just not in the mood to socialize. That and the fact I hadn't gotten confirmation back from another friend who expressed an interest in going as well.
If the movie is canned, then I might just work on installing Windows on my Mac Pro. I downloaded Bootcamp last night. I just acquired XP. Cross your fingers, boys and girls! This could be a bumpy ride! I am such a f*cking geek sometimes. Anyways, whatcha gonna do?
Aside from that, not much else that's terribly exciting.
General mood: "Eh"
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Weeknight Frolicking
Well, okay, maybe not really frolicking, but I did go out with a few friends last night. One of them needed a sushi fix before he had to go to Indonesia for a couple of weeks for work. Afterwards, we went over to a nearby pub for a pint and some Bailey's cheesecake. We hung out there for a while until it was nearly 11.
Thankfully it was a slow week since quite a few people were still off on holiday this week. Otherwise, I don't think I would have gone out like that on a weeknight. Perhaps just the sushi part... But then again, the last time we went for sushi it was a Thursday night and we had also gone over to Hurley's afterwards. But we didn't stay as late.
Soooo, I am a bit pooped right now... I really should go to sleep earlier tonight..
Thankfully it was a slow week since quite a few people were still off on holiday this week. Otherwise, I don't think I would have gone out like that on a weeknight. Perhaps just the sushi part... But then again, the last time we went for sushi it was a Thursday night and we had also gone over to Hurley's afterwards. But we didn't stay as late.
Soooo, I am a bit pooped right now... I really should go to sleep earlier tonight..
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
New Blog Template
Because a certain individual did not like the black background, I've gone ahead and updated the template used for this blog. I hope it meets his approval. ;-)
You know who you are!
You know who you are!
Generation X
It's funny. I was just having a conversation with a couple of friends on MSN. It seems that number of us in their 30's are feeling a bit "lost". One of my friends stated the he needed to find himself. As a result, he may be taking an assignment that would have him working on the other side of the globe.
I guess I saw it with my brother earlier on when he got laid off from his job and had a hard time deciding what to do next. For some reason, many of us in their 30's seem a bit disillusioned and lost as far as what to do with their lives. Why is that?
Then I remembered the book that Douglas Coupland wrote entitled Generation X. The lowdown on Gen-X can be found in Wikipedia. I first read it some time ago. I think it might be interesting to read it now. It might give a different impression as my friend mentioned.
I guess I saw it with my brother earlier on when he got laid off from his job and had a hard time deciding what to do next. For some reason, many of us in their 30's seem a bit disillusioned and lost as far as what to do with their lives. Why is that?
Then I remembered the book that Douglas Coupland wrote entitled Generation X. The lowdown on Gen-X can be found in Wikipedia. I first read it some time ago. I think it might be interesting to read it now. It might give a different impression as my friend mentioned.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Sad Sack
Okay, I will admit that too much idle time is not doing me a world of good at the moment. I find that when I am not busy with something that I am tryin to find something to occupy my time. Sometimes, there's not a whole lot to do. When that happens then my mind starts to wander. And when the mind starts to wander then that's not always good.
I think the last time I was on my own during the holidays was soon after I moved into this place. I guess I managed to pass the time in trying to settle in. Of course there was that little *ahem* distraction one evening, but I won't say any more about that.
This year, my distractions were: a trip see my folks, small shopping-spree at IKEA, a holiday party at a friend's and some baking. Sad to say but I spent New Year's Eve at home in front of the computer. Well, I did have some company. I was IM'ing my brother who was also in the same predicament. Yeah, we were both sad cases...
Anyway, I'm in a less than chipper mood the past couple of days...
But wait! It's a work day tomorrow! Oh joy...
I think the last time I was on my own during the holidays was soon after I moved into this place. I guess I managed to pass the time in trying to settle in. Of course there was that little *ahem* distraction one evening, but I won't say any more about that.
This year, my distractions were: a trip see my folks, small shopping-spree at IKEA, a holiday party at a friend's and some baking. Sad to say but I spent New Year's Eve at home in front of the computer. Well, I did have some company. I was IM'ing my brother who was also in the same predicament. Yeah, we were both sad cases...
Anyway, I'm in a less than chipper mood the past couple of days...
But wait! It's a work day tomorrow! Oh joy...
Here's a thought...
I've been in two long-term relationships. I guess you could consider them to be common-law unions. Now, if I had been married, then that means I would have been twice divorced.
For some reason, it just doesn't sound as nice to say that you're twice divorced versus saying that you've been in a couple of long-term relationships. Which would look or sound better to you?
Either way, I start off 2007 as a single person.
For some reason, it just doesn't sound as nice to say that you're twice divorced versus saying that you've been in a couple of long-term relationships. Which would look or sound better to you?
Either way, I start off 2007 as a single person.
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