Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
...suck. But I guess that goes without saying....
He emailed me this morning to say he was home sick. I guess the movie will have to be postponed for another time. *sigh* Just as well, I suppose. I'm still pretty knackered from this weekend. I managed to get to bed last night towards 11, after someone called me on my cell about work. :-p I really did not want to get up this morning.
Anyway, I did manage to get some stuff done today at work. Miracle of miracles. tonight I hope to work a bit on my C++ assignment. Yes, the one that has been languishing for weeks now. :-p I really feel quite discouraged about it. Maybe I should look at the 2nd one he gave. Bleah! :-p
I'm doing something I didn't think I'd do and that was have a beer with dinner, alone. I suppose it's akin to having a glass of water or something with dinner. So, it really can't be that bad, could it? Tonight I am having a bottle of Leffe with some leftover pasta. Oof! I forgot just how strong this stuff is!
Anyway... must stare at some C++. I'll probably throw my hands up in the air in a few hours. :-p
He emailed me this morning to say he was home sick. I guess the movie will have to be postponed for another time. *sigh* Just as well, I suppose. I'm still pretty knackered from this weekend. I managed to get to bed last night towards 11, after someone called me on my cell about work. :-p I really did not want to get up this morning.
Anyway, I did manage to get some stuff done today at work. Miracle of miracles. tonight I hope to work a bit on my C++ assignment. Yes, the one that has been languishing for weeks now. :-p I really feel quite discouraged about it. Maybe I should look at the 2nd one he gave. Bleah! :-p
I'm doing something I didn't think I'd do and that was have a beer with dinner, alone. I suppose it's akin to having a glass of water or something with dinner. So, it really can't be that bad, could it? Tonight I am having a bottle of Leffe with some leftover pasta. Oof! I forgot just how strong this stuff is!
Anyway... must stare at some C++. I'll probably throw my hands up in the air in a few hours. :-p
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Sunday soon becomes Monday
I don't know why I do it. For some reason, I have this innate sense of responsibility towards the work that I do. Again, this morning, I spent some time on the problem that I had tackled last night. I thought that if I approached it with another strategy that it might work. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I only worked on it long enough this morning to know that I was going to get the same results. After that, I went out for some groceries.
After lunch, I had the intention of reading up on some C++. However, I didn't get very far with that. I knew that I wanted to get out and take some photos as part of my camera class assignment. Towards 3:00PM I headed out.
I wanted to swing by the nearby park to take a few picks. I figure there should be something going on there. As I neared the park, I noticed some movement by one of the recreation buildings. It looks like they've installed an outdoor rink. Hooray! So I made my way over there and found a small group of guys playing pick-up hockey. There were also a couple of smaller kids skating around too.
One thing I learned: Do not wear glasses that darken outdoors. It made it difficult for me to see the readings in my camera. I had also forgotten that I had the white balance set to incandescent light. As a result, the first dozen or so shots had a blue tinge to them. It did make for an interesting affect! Anyway, after hanging around by the rink, I decided to get moving as my hands were getting cold (mental note: invest in fingerless gloves). I headed over to the DVD rental place to see if they had Farscape. They didn't. :-p But I did leave it as a recommendation to the clerk there. Let's see if they come up with something.
Once I got home, I noticed that a colleague from work who is currently in Mexico had IM'd me/ I sort of forgot that he said he would try to look into one of the problems I had yesterday. So this distracted me from doing anything else. I did manage to prepare dinner (chicken madras (courtesy of Patak's curry paste) with basmati rice). Colleague was not able to fix problem but sort of had an idea of what the problem is. I guess I will have to submit a trouble ticket in the morning for it.
Otherwise, it's been a semi-productive weekend. I just hope I can charge the hours!!
Monday: What to wear? Hmmm..
After lunch, I had the intention of reading up on some C++. However, I didn't get very far with that. I knew that I wanted to get out and take some photos as part of my camera class assignment. Towards 3:00PM I headed out.
I wanted to swing by the nearby park to take a few picks. I figure there should be something going on there. As I neared the park, I noticed some movement by one of the recreation buildings. It looks like they've installed an outdoor rink. Hooray! So I made my way over there and found a small group of guys playing pick-up hockey. There were also a couple of smaller kids skating around too.
One thing I learned: Do not wear glasses that darken outdoors. It made it difficult for me to see the readings in my camera. I had also forgotten that I had the white balance set to incandescent light. As a result, the first dozen or so shots had a blue tinge to them. It did make for an interesting affect! Anyway, after hanging around by the rink, I decided to get moving as my hands were getting cold (mental note: invest in fingerless gloves). I headed over to the DVD rental place to see if they had Farscape. They didn't. :-p But I did leave it as a recommendation to the clerk there. Let's see if they come up with something.
Once I got home, I noticed that a colleague from work who is currently in Mexico had IM'd me/ I sort of forgot that he said he would try to look into one of the problems I had yesterday. So this distracted me from doing anything else. I did manage to prepare dinner (chicken madras (courtesy of Patak's curry paste) with basmati rice). Colleague was not able to fix problem but sort of had an idea of what the problem is. I guess I will have to submit a trouble ticket in the morning for it.
Otherwise, it's been a semi-productive weekend. I just hope I can charge the hours!!
Monday: What to wear? Hmmm..
Saturday, February 24, 2007
A Working Saturday :-p
First, I stayed a bit late at work last night. When I got home it was nearly 9PM. I was tired and a bit fed up. I was trying to upgrade a node, but kept encountering some problems (which were not major, but still..). I nuked some leftovers and had a Harp. I don't usually drink alone, but I felt I needed it. Of course, it took me an hour to drink it.
Today, I am still continuing some work. The upgrade worked this time after I deleted a few files (space issue). But the traffic being generated was having some issues. Something was not stable and I just could not figure out what the problem was. In any case, I just left it as it was.
Now I am trying to execute a few commands on a customer dump but I can't because the commands are restricted. Gee, what else will go wrong? I don't think I want to know the answer to that.
Aside from all this work crap, I did find the courage to zip off a quick email to him. It was a very brief one-liner, but it was to the point: Wanna catch a flick? To which he responded positively. How about Monday? Okay! So, does this constitute a date?
Today, I am still continuing some work. The upgrade worked this time after I deleted a few files (space issue). But the traffic being generated was having some issues. Something was not stable and I just could not figure out what the problem was. In any case, I just left it as it was.
Now I am trying to execute a few commands on a customer dump but I can't because the commands are restricted. Gee, what else will go wrong? I don't think I want to know the answer to that.
Aside from all this work crap, I did find the courage to zip off a quick email to him. It was a very brief one-liner, but it was to the point: Wanna catch a flick? To which he responded positively. How about Monday? Okay! So, does this constitute a date?
Friday, February 23, 2007
End of Week 8, 2007
Yeah, I know. I haven't posted much this week. I guess I am starting to really feel the affects of juggling one too many things. I am currently taking 3 nights of classes a week. I have 3 more weeks of C++ and XML to endure. There are 5 more weeks of the camera class. And we just had our 2nd Mandarin class last night.
I think I have re-affirmed the fact that I am not much of a programmer. I can handle the easy stuff. But with the first assignment in C++, I have been totally frustrated. I can think about how I might be able to do small parts of the assignment, but I am having a heck of a time trying to get enough of these bits and pieces together. I think when it comes to actual code, I have only managed to draw out the game board (in ascii). I technically have almost 5 weeks to complete all my C++ assignments. The teacher has given us until 2 weeks after the last class to hand in our assignments. In a way it's a relief, but I have really got to make some progress.
In other areas... I've been pretty good about not shopping, except for food. I really need to curb my spending for a while. I've got my municiple tax bill to pay by the end of this month. I've also got my auto registration due at the end of the month as well. There's also the other usual bills that are nearing due. Again, it's not that I don't have the money, but I'd like to maintain some padding. My bi-weekly mortgage payments are only slightly higher than what they were before since I've renewed my mortgage term, so that shouldn't be a huge issue. I think the only other thing of real expense is if I decide to entertain either myself or friends.
Last weekend was Chinese New Year. Since I wasn't planning on visiting family this year, I spent it more or less alone at home. I did prepare for myself a nice Panko-breaded chicken breast for dinner on Saturday. On Sunday, I invited a couple I know over for dinner. I prepared the 3-cheese pasta bake from a Cooking Light recipe. To compensate the "healthy" pasta dish, I made the two-nuts chocolate torte for dessert. Everything turned out pretty good. My friends enjoyed the food. And I was a happy cook.
I had also invited another person to the Sunday dinner, but he couldn't make it. He was tied up with something else. On Monday, I had lunch with him and another person. He mentioned something about having to babysit. I guess it must have been for his sister. In any case, he apologized for not being able to make it.
This past week has been somewhat uneventful. The days just seem to run into each other. I've been operating on roughly 4-6 hrs of sleep each night. Six hours is actually pretty generous. I think I got about 6 hours Sunday night. I think my body has adjusted somewhat to the amount of sleep I have been getting. I am going to try to sleep in a little bit this weekend.
And what's on tap for the weekend? I really don't know. I'd like to tackle the C++ assignment. I also should get a start on the XML project assignment. Maybe, if things work out, I might go to the Hash on Sunday. I need to take some action shots for the camera class. Maybe I'll come across some photo-ops on the Hash. Other than that, eh.
Next social event? I was thinking of a little wonton making party. I haven't quite decided on when to have this. I might try to do this after the last C++ and XML class. At least that way I don't have to worry about too many things on a weekend.
And speaking of social, no, I don't think there's been that much progress in my social life. It seems that the person of interest is turning out to be a bit of a slow burn. Maybe I'm trying too hard to look for signs and becoming a little frustrated as a result. Maybe this is a sort of evaluation period where he's still checking things out. I don't know. Maybe I should just sort of nudge things along without making it too obvious. I was thinking of perhaps asking if he would be interested in catching a movie or something this weekend. Ahh! But that requires a bit of courage... :-p
I think I have re-affirmed the fact that I am not much of a programmer. I can handle the easy stuff. But with the first assignment in C++, I have been totally frustrated. I can think about how I might be able to do small parts of the assignment, but I am having a heck of a time trying to get enough of these bits and pieces together. I think when it comes to actual code, I have only managed to draw out the game board (in ascii). I technically have almost 5 weeks to complete all my C++ assignments. The teacher has given us until 2 weeks after the last class to hand in our assignments. In a way it's a relief, but I have really got to make some progress.
In other areas... I've been pretty good about not shopping, except for food. I really need to curb my spending for a while. I've got my municiple tax bill to pay by the end of this month. I've also got my auto registration due at the end of the month as well. There's also the other usual bills that are nearing due. Again, it's not that I don't have the money, but I'd like to maintain some padding. My bi-weekly mortgage payments are only slightly higher than what they were before since I've renewed my mortgage term, so that shouldn't be a huge issue. I think the only other thing of real expense is if I decide to entertain either myself or friends.
Last weekend was Chinese New Year. Since I wasn't planning on visiting family this year, I spent it more or less alone at home. I did prepare for myself a nice Panko-breaded chicken breast for dinner on Saturday. On Sunday, I invited a couple I know over for dinner. I prepared the 3-cheese pasta bake from a Cooking Light recipe. To compensate the "healthy" pasta dish, I made the two-nuts chocolate torte for dessert. Everything turned out pretty good. My friends enjoyed the food. And I was a happy cook.
I had also invited another person to the Sunday dinner, but he couldn't make it. He was tied up with something else. On Monday, I had lunch with him and another person. He mentioned something about having to babysit. I guess it must have been for his sister. In any case, he apologized for not being able to make it.
This past week has been somewhat uneventful. The days just seem to run into each other. I've been operating on roughly 4-6 hrs of sleep each night. Six hours is actually pretty generous. I think I got about 6 hours Sunday night. I think my body has adjusted somewhat to the amount of sleep I have been getting. I am going to try to sleep in a little bit this weekend.
And what's on tap for the weekend? I really don't know. I'd like to tackle the C++ assignment. I also should get a start on the XML project assignment. Maybe, if things work out, I might go to the Hash on Sunday. I need to take some action shots for the camera class. Maybe I'll come across some photo-ops on the Hash. Other than that, eh.
Next social event? I was thinking of a little wonton making party. I haven't quite decided on when to have this. I might try to do this after the last C++ and XML class. At least that way I don't have to worry about too many things on a weekend.
And speaking of social, no, I don't think there's been that much progress in my social life. It seems that the person of interest is turning out to be a bit of a slow burn. Maybe I'm trying too hard to look for signs and becoming a little frustrated as a result. Maybe this is a sort of evaluation period where he's still checking things out. I don't know. Maybe I should just sort of nudge things along without making it too obvious. I was thinking of perhaps asking if he would be interested in catching a movie or something this weekend. Ahh! But that requires a bit of courage... :-p
Friday, February 16, 2007
Another week come and gone
My! Just where does the time fly? It's already Friday.
Last night I went to my Mandarin course. I kinda figured that Mandarin was not going to be easy to learn. Speaking my mangled Cantonese is easier than trying to get the different tones right in Mandarin. The teacher drilled us incessantly with the pronunciation of the 4 main tones. I think I was starting to get a little tongue tied towards the end of it all!
This Sunday will be Chinese New Year. I won't be doing anything very special for it. I might do a little bit of cleaning tomorrow to welcome the new year with a clean home. I should have chicken for my new year's eve dinner. I might make my panko chicken on rice for that. On Sunday, New Year's day, I think the meal is suppose to be vegetarian, so I might make this 3 cheese pasta bake. It was quite tasty when I last made it.
Aside from that, tonight I'm going out for sushi with a couple of people. This weekly jaunt for all-you-can-eat sushi is starting to become a bit of a habit. Not that I'm complaining.. :-) And yes, he will be there.
Last night I went to my Mandarin course. I kinda figured that Mandarin was not going to be easy to learn. Speaking my mangled Cantonese is easier than trying to get the different tones right in Mandarin. The teacher drilled us incessantly with the pronunciation of the 4 main tones. I think I was starting to get a little tongue tied towards the end of it all!
This Sunday will be Chinese New Year. I won't be doing anything very special for it. I might do a little bit of cleaning tomorrow to welcome the new year with a clean home. I should have chicken for my new year's eve dinner. I might make my panko chicken on rice for that. On Sunday, New Year's day, I think the meal is suppose to be vegetarian, so I might make this 3 cheese pasta bake. It was quite tasty when I last made it.
Aside from that, tonight I'm going out for sushi with a couple of people. This weekly jaunt for all-you-can-eat sushi is starting to become a bit of a habit. Not that I'm complaining.. :-) And yes, he will be there.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Day of little significance
Somehow, today has lost all meaning for me. Perhaps it's because any special significance of it has been down-played by those I've been with. And why is that? One excuse would be that today is nothing more than a money-grab for merchants selling their wares designed specifically for today. Whatever the case may be, I used to feel that today is a special day to further reinforce/display/reaffirm your feelings for that one special person. That special person who, in the end, turns out not to be so special.
I guess you could say that after having been burned in the past, that today has very little special meaning for me. I can't even recall anything very special happening in recent years. It's rather sad, but it's the truth. If your other half downplays the original significance of this date, then you might have to ask yourself why. What is the justification in not celebrating the spirit of this date?
I suppose I could go on, but I might come off as being bitter. To some degree I am, but not entirely so.
In catching up on some regular blog reading, this seems to express quite a bit on the subject of love... I wish I could better express such things.
In the meantime, today is like any other day. It's starting to snow heavily this morning. At first I was hoping to work from home but realized I left the power adaptor for my laptop at work. Drats! Oh well. I suspect those who can will work from home. It will probably be rather quiet here at work today. I will probably skip the camera class tonight as I don't want to attempt to drive home late in the evening if it's still snowing. :-p
Happy Wednesday.
I guess you could say that after having been burned in the past, that today has very little special meaning for me. I can't even recall anything very special happening in recent years. It's rather sad, but it's the truth. If your other half downplays the original significance of this date, then you might have to ask yourself why. What is the justification in not celebrating the spirit of this date?
I suppose I could go on, but I might come off as being bitter. To some degree I am, but not entirely so.
In catching up on some regular blog reading, this seems to express quite a bit on the subject of love... I wish I could better express such things.
In the meantime, today is like any other day. It's starting to snow heavily this morning. At first I was hoping to work from home but realized I left the power adaptor for my laptop at work. Drats! Oh well. I suspect those who can will work from home. It will probably be rather quiet here at work today. I will probably skip the camera class tonight as I don't want to attempt to drive home late in the evening if it's still snowing. :-p
Happy Wednesday.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I just haven't had a whole lot of energy as of late. This could be due to a number of things. There's been some escalations at work where extra attention is required in getting some things done. There's the classwork that needs to be done. Then there's everything in between that seems to be taking up a fair amount of time as well. It really makes me wonder how anyone can juggle all of this.
I suppose I really need to better organize my time. I think that I have always been pretty bad about it. Or, it could just be that I don't put enough effort into it. Oh, did I mention that I registered for another class that starts this Thursday? Maybe I am a sucker for such punishment.
Last night, I tried to study for tonight's mid-term. I was just not motivated. I tried to go over the class notes and look at examples. It's a multiple-choice, on-line exam. I wonder just how difficult could that be? I suppose I should try to go over some notes later today before I head off to class.
My programming class is another kettle of fish. The instructor is suppose to hand out the 2nd assignment and I haven't even finished the first one. :-p I've barely made a dent in it! Okay, so I did manage to print out the game board. Big whoop. I hope I can find some time this weekend to really look into it.
Hmm.. And it's only Tuesday...
I suppose I really need to better organize my time. I think that I have always been pretty bad about it. Or, it could just be that I don't put enough effort into it. Oh, did I mention that I registered for another class that starts this Thursday? Maybe I am a sucker for such punishment.
Last night, I tried to study for tonight's mid-term. I was just not motivated. I tried to go over the class notes and look at examples. It's a multiple-choice, on-line exam. I wonder just how difficult could that be? I suppose I should try to go over some notes later today before I head off to class.
My programming class is another kettle of fish. The instructor is suppose to hand out the 2nd assignment and I haven't even finished the first one. :-p I've barely made a dent in it! Okay, so I did manage to print out the game board. Big whoop. I hope I can find some time this weekend to really look into it.
Hmm.. And it's only Tuesday...
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Where have the days gone?
It looks like another weekend has come and gone. But it's not that it's been a terribly bad weekend. It's had it's moments. :) I am a little disappointed that I was not able to accomplish as much as I had hoped. This might be due to the fact that I am a bit tired and could use some more sleep. When you're tired, you just don't have the motivation or drive to do much.
I had some people over last night for pizza and movies. We watched Gross Pointe Blank and the Bourne Identity. Both are pretty good movies. I had never seen The Bourne Identity in its entirety. I liked it.
After the second movie, just about everyone left except for him. He hung back again. We had another piece of a fruit pie one of the folks brought. We talked for a while. I think it was nearly 5AM when he finally left.
Hmm.. I wonder how things will go after this?
I had some people over last night for pizza and movies. We watched Gross Pointe Blank and the Bourne Identity. Both are pretty good movies. I had never seen The Bourne Identity in its entirety. I liked it.
After the second movie, just about everyone left except for him. He hung back again. We had another piece of a fruit pie one of the folks brought. We talked for a while. I think it was nearly 5AM when he finally left.
Hmm.. I wonder how things will go after this?
Friday, February 09, 2007
A very long week
I am so exhausted. To some degree I am partly responsible for being tired. I think pretty much every night this week I had been going to bed pretty late but getting up early. I was probably averaging about 4-5 hours of sleep.
This evening I am still at work. Call me stubborn, call me persistent, but I really wanted to get some stuff done. There's been some escalations this week, so I figure it might be a good idea to ensure that some stuff is prepared so we can get a good jump on it come Monday morning. One of the guys who has been working with me on this is planning to work a little bit over the weekend. I have to remember to SMS him when this stuff is ready.
Reasons for going to bed late this week? Well, Tuesday and Wednesday are obvious because I've got classes those evenings. Last night, on the other hand, I had gone out to dinner. Without going into details, it was with a guy and we talked quite a bit. Before we knew it, it was getting pretty late. Originally, it wasn't going to be just the two of us, but a mutual friend had decided to leave work early, so he missed out on a sushi dinner. :)
Anyway, enough for now. I've got to continue monitoring the progress of this script that's running. I hope to be out of here in about an hour, or less. :-/
This evening I am still at work. Call me stubborn, call me persistent, but I really wanted to get some stuff done. There's been some escalations this week, so I figure it might be a good idea to ensure that some stuff is prepared so we can get a good jump on it come Monday morning. One of the guys who has been working with me on this is planning to work a little bit over the weekend. I have to remember to SMS him when this stuff is ready.
Reasons for going to bed late this week? Well, Tuesday and Wednesday are obvious because I've got classes those evenings. Last night, on the other hand, I had gone out to dinner. Without going into details, it was with a guy and we talked quite a bit. Before we knew it, it was getting pretty late. Originally, it wasn't going to be just the two of us, but a mutual friend had decided to leave work early, so he missed out on a sushi dinner. :)
Anyway, enough for now. I've got to continue monitoring the progress of this script that's running. I hope to be out of here in about an hour, or less. :-/
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Another weekend come and gone
Oh where does the time fly?
Saturday, I was pretty busy running a few errands and prepping the place for the evening's dinner. I made sure I had enough for a party of eight. I even picked up some non-alcoholic beverages just in case.
At some point in the afternoon, one couple had to cancel because she was just not feeling good. Without going into details, I can understand. There are some things you just do not have control over.
One of the guys came over early to give me a hand with a few things. We chatted a bit. Then a little after 6, I get a phone call from one of the other invitees. Apparently, she's not feeling very well either after doing a fair amount of running around during the day. Oh well. :-(
So in the end it was just the five of us. This was just fine as there was plenty of food to go around. And as it was 4 guys, they managed to pack away quite a bit. I still had plenty of leftovers though. I'll just have to do some stir-fry with it tomorrow.
After eating, we had dessert which one of the guys brought. We had some ice wine with it. Afterwards, I popped open a bottle of muscat. All told, we polished off 5 bottles of wine.
Around 11, 2 of the guys had to leave. The rest of us watched Shaun of the Dead. After the movie, A started his car remotely then soon left. I almost expected M to leave when A did but he didn't. He hung around a bit longer. We chatted about different things. Then around 3AM, M hit the road as well. I really didn't expect M to hang around like he did. But I really didn't mind. ;-)
So I was off to bed soon after M left. I think I slept pretty soundly. I might have woken up a couple of times, but managed to fall back asleep. I think I finally got up at about 11AM this morning. I wasn't in the mood to go buy groceries and I was up a bit too late for the Hash. So I did some cleaning up, started on some laundry and dove into my XML assignment. I think I managed to put a good dent into the XML assignment. I'm not looking forward to the C++ assignment which has yet to take off. :-p
Anyway, another Monday is coming...
Saturday, I was pretty busy running a few errands and prepping the place for the evening's dinner. I made sure I had enough for a party of eight. I even picked up some non-alcoholic beverages just in case.
At some point in the afternoon, one couple had to cancel because she was just not feeling good. Without going into details, I can understand. There are some things you just do not have control over.
One of the guys came over early to give me a hand with a few things. We chatted a bit. Then a little after 6, I get a phone call from one of the other invitees. Apparently, she's not feeling very well either after doing a fair amount of running around during the day. Oh well. :-(
So in the end it was just the five of us. This was just fine as there was plenty of food to go around. And as it was 4 guys, they managed to pack away quite a bit. I still had plenty of leftovers though. I'll just have to do some stir-fry with it tomorrow.
After eating, we had dessert which one of the guys brought. We had some ice wine with it. Afterwards, I popped open a bottle of muscat. All told, we polished off 5 bottles of wine.
Around 11, 2 of the guys had to leave. The rest of us watched Shaun of the Dead. After the movie, A started his car remotely then soon left. I almost expected M to leave when A did but he didn't. He hung around a bit longer. We chatted about different things. Then around 3AM, M hit the road as well. I really didn't expect M to hang around like he did. But I really didn't mind. ;-)
So I was off to bed soon after M left. I think I slept pretty soundly. I might have woken up a couple of times, but managed to fall back asleep. I think I finally got up at about 11AM this morning. I wasn't in the mood to go buy groceries and I was up a bit too late for the Hash. So I did some cleaning up, started on some laundry and dove into my XML assignment. I think I managed to put a good dent into the XML assignment. I'm not looking forward to the C++ assignment which has yet to take off. :-p
Anyway, another Monday is coming...
Friday, February 02, 2007
Well, even if the weekend is coming up, I have a crapload of stuff to get done. But even before I make it home to start the weekend, I have a class tonight. It's a class to make up for one of two classes that got cancelled when the instructor broke his arm. The second make up class is next Friday. :-p
Tomorrow morning, I have so much that needs to get done. I've still got to pick up a few things for the dinner. I've still got some last minute cleaning up to do. About an hour or two before everyone arrives, I will have to start laying stuff out and prepare the simmering broths. I think I might be able to get a small break at some point during the afternoon if I don't slack off.
Sunday, I think I will have to pass on the hash again. :-p Last night I tried to tackle the C++ assignment. First, the program that the instructor gave us to help with drawing out stuff in ascii is not gcc friendly. It seems to be written to be executed in a windows console environment. :-p So I tried to download Visual C++ from Micros*ck. Then, when I tried to download the SDK, MS squawked at me for the copy of XP I had installed was not quite legit. So this morning, as a result of last night's frustration, I went ahead and dished out the money to make Bill Gates even richer. Tonight I will try to finish the installation. *sigh*
Aside from that, I made an impulse buy, again. This time, I had gone out to lunch witha friend. After lunch, he wanted to go by EB Games to see if they had the Nintendo Wii. They didn't have any in stock, so we poked around a bit. I was over by the PSP side of the store checking out the PSP. I had contemplated getting one before, but could never justify it. Yet, yesterday, somehow, my friend managed to convince me to get it. So I went ahead and got the PSP plus 3 games to go with it.
Anyway, one of the games I got, LocoRoco, is kinda neat. I guess I will play with it for a while. :-)
Well, even if the weekend is coming up, I have a crapload of stuff to get done. But even before I make it home to start the weekend, I have a class tonight. It's a class to make up for one of two classes that got cancelled when the instructor broke his arm. The second make up class is next Friday. :-p
Tomorrow morning, I have so much that needs to get done. I've still got to pick up a few things for the dinner. I've still got some last minute cleaning up to do. About an hour or two before everyone arrives, I will have to start laying stuff out and prepare the simmering broths. I think I might be able to get a small break at some point during the afternoon if I don't slack off.
Sunday, I think I will have to pass on the hash again. :-p Last night I tried to tackle the C++ assignment. First, the program that the instructor gave us to help with drawing out stuff in ascii is not gcc friendly. It seems to be written to be executed in a windows console environment. :-p So I tried to download Visual C++ from Micros*ck. Then, when I tried to download the SDK, MS squawked at me for the copy of XP I had installed was not quite legit. So this morning, as a result of last night's frustration, I went ahead and dished out the money to make Bill Gates even richer. Tonight I will try to finish the installation. *sigh*
Aside from that, I made an impulse buy, again. This time, I had gone out to lunch witha friend. After lunch, he wanted to go by EB Games to see if they had the Nintendo Wii. They didn't have any in stock, so we poked around a bit. I was over by the PSP side of the store checking out the PSP. I had contemplated getting one before, but could never justify it. Yet, yesterday, somehow, my friend managed to convince me to get it. So I went ahead and got the PSP plus 3 games to go with it.
Anyway, one of the games I got, LocoRoco, is kinda neat. I guess I will play with it for a while. :-)
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