Monday, April 30, 2007

Still being bad about sleep

I don't know why I let myself stay up late even though I know that will be awoken by my alarm at 5AM. Yet I continue to do this. So is it any wonder that I am so very tired today? I am struggling to stay awake at my desk. I am trying hard to keep myself occupied so that my head does not go "thunk" on the desk. I'm just torturing myself here. I really need to exercise some self-discipline and go to bed earlier. Of course, I keep saying that and it never happens. But tonight, I must.

In the meantime, the weekend was rather lackluster. I went to one of these meetup group thingies Saturday evening. The people there were nice enough. We shot a little pool. I'm not 100% sure if it's my thing, but I'll see if I can attend a few more of these functions before passing judgement. Maybe I'm like my bro at times: a bit of a loner. I guess I kinda like doing my own thing. Or if I do do something social it's more with people I already know. Friday evening, I went out with a few of the guys from work to a pub. We spent a few hours having a couple of pints and some munchies. It was all good fun. That sort of thing I like. At least you know how far the conversation can go.

Sunday was really "blah". Maybe because of the weather but I really did not feel like I had the energy to do much. So I passed on the Hash yesterday. Instead, I did some grocery shopping and went to MEC to look for some stuff. I think I spent about $160 on pants, socks and a few other things. Geez, it just added up!

Tonight, after I hope to finally manage to give the cat her antibiotic, I need to hunker down and read up some more on Italy. It's only 2 weeks away!! I haven't really tried to learn much Italian either. Oh I seem so discombobulated! How did I let myself get this way? Sometimes I wish I had all the answer, but you know how it is. You have to keep looking for them. In the meantime, I'll just continue to trudge on.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Found on Facebook

Nerdy Pickup Lines:
1. You're like an exothermic reaction, you spread your hotness everywhere!

2. I wish I was your derivative so I could lie tangent to your curves

3. You’re like a dictionary, you add meaning to my life!

4. If i was an enzyme, i'd be helicase so i could unzip your genes

5. I'm attracted to you so strongly, scientists will have to develop a fifth fundamental force.

6. Baby, you overclock my processor.

7. Be my queen and mate me with your knight moves.

8. Baby, you make my floppy disk turn into a hard drive

9. You make me want to calibrate my joystick without the latest drivers

10.You defragment my life

11. Do you think we can make it a step more serious and disable network sharing?

12. You must be auxin, cuz u r causing me to have rapid stem elongation.

13. Baby, let me find your nth term

14. I don't have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?

15. Baby i'll treat you like my hw- I'll slam you on the table and do you all night long

16. Hey baby, can i see what's under your radical?

17. If I were an integral, I'd fill you up.

18. I'm a fermata... hold me

19. I think my heart just lagged.

20. I wish I were your second derivative so i could fill your concavities.

21. did you just combust?? Because you're HOT!

22. By looking at you I can tell you're 36-25-36, which by the way are all perfect squares.

23. It doesn’t take a genius to see how gorgeous you are, but if it did, I would be overqualified.

24. Baby, if you were words on a page, you'd be what they call FINE PRINT!

25. What do you say we go back to my room and do some math: Add a bed, subtract our clothes, divide your legs, and multiply

26. Baby, you're a 9.999999999...but you'd be a 10 if you were with me.

27. Baby, everytime i see you, my cardiovascular system gets all worked up

28. I wish I were adenine because then I could get paired with U.

29. What's your sine? It must be pi/2 because you're the 1

30. If my right leg was christmas and my left was Easter, would you like to spend some time between the holidays?

31. You have nicer legs than an Isosceles right triangle.

32. Your so cute you make my zygomaticus muscles contract. (Muscles that make you smile)

33. When you and me get together it's like superposition of 2 waves in phase.

34. Want to meet up so I can excite your natural frequency?

35. If I was sin^2 and you were cos^2 together we would be 1

36. You know.. it's not the length of the vector that counts... it's how you apply the force

37. If I move my lips half the distance to yours... and then half again... and again... etc.... would they ever meet? no? Well in this specific case i am going to disprove your assumption.

38. Your name is Leslie? Look, I can spell your name on my calculator!

39. If i was an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me: smooth or rough?

40. I wish I was an Ion so I could form an exothermic bond with you.

41. If my right leg is the cell wall and my left the membrane, do you want to be the cytoplasm?

42. Our love is like dividing by zero.... you cannot define it

43. Lets meet somewhere... you bring your beaker and I'll bring my stirring rod

44. Baby let me be your integral so I can be the area under your curves

45. Hey baby, what's your tanx cosx?

46. Lets get together and test the spring potential of my matress

47. Let's discover our coefficient of friction

48. Baby, you're so gneiss I'll never take you for granite.

49. I less than three you..... (i < 3 you)

50. I heard you're sin because you're always on top when we make tangent

51. You be Flourine and I'll be Francium and maybe later I can give you an electron

52. My sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia tells me I love you

53. Whoops, I think my binomials just expanded

54. I must be Earth and you must be the Sun, cause the closer I orbit, the hotter you get.

55. Baby I wish I could live on a [integral of 1/cabin d cabin] with you.

56. Excuse me, ma'am, but can I get your seven significant digits?

57. I'm overheating because you're stuck in my head like an infinite loop.

58. You must be chlorine cause you are polarizing my bond!

59. Baby if you let your acid react with my base, you can count on getting 100 MOLES of my water and salt

60. *i'll be the one over your cosx an baby, we can have secx!

61. Would you like to enjoy my laptop, I promise I don't have any viruses...

62. i'm relativistic: the faster I go, the longer I last.

63. That dress would look better accelerating towards the floor at 9.8 m/s/s

64. I'm a star. Wanna taste the Milky Way?

65. I'm attracted to you like the Earth is attracted to the Sun-with a large force inversely proportional to the distance squared.

66. YouTube Myspace and I'll Google your Yahoo

67. I wanna stick to u like glue-cose

68. Baby, I can feel an attraction between you and me, and it's more than just our universal gravitation...

69. I'll "eye" your pod! ;)

70. B equals T x N. I think you and I should study the T and N planes in depth

T and N = osculating plane, which literally means the 'kissing' plane.

71. If I could rearrange the periodic table, I'd put Uranium and Iodine together.

(Uraniums symbol is U
and Iodines symbol is I)

72. Baby, we've got chemistry together... next period.

73. At absolute zero, you would still move me.

74. Hey baby, your Body and Love waves are rocking my bedding

75. How about we make like the change of base law, with you on the bottom, and me on top?

76. Baby if you were a 6 I would want to be your (reflection about the x-axis + then reflection about the y-axis) -->9

77. Hey baby if i supply the voltage and you a little resistance, imagine the current we can make together. (V=IR => (V/R)=I)

78. Baby stop with diet coke, you've got plenty of ASSpertame

79. Yo baby, you want to see me solve a quadratic?

80. Baby, lim (u->me) ∫ e^x = f(u)^n.

81. On a scale of 1-10, you're a solid e to the power of pi

82. I think that convex butts are ALWAYS better than concave look toned

83. I wish I was your secant line so I could touch you in at least two places!

84. Baby ill be your asymptotes so i can shape your curves...

85. Would you like to see the exponential growth of my natural log?

86. If you were a graphics calculator, i'd look at your curves all day long!

87. Question: Wanna integrate my natural log?
Answer: I'll have to be one over first...

88. hey girl, let's get together and figure out our heat of fusion

89. it's a good thing you've got evaporative cooling, cause i'm gonna make you sweat

90. hey baby, lets figure out the torque of your mass on my rod

91. baby i just drew a pic of you on my ti83 but ur sooo hot my screen melted

92. The way the light reflects off the angles of your head is extremely enchanting.

93. in Old English:
Ich grethe Þae, maec Cwen.

(I greet you, my Queen)

In latin:
You can't decline quinque sex, baby.

(Note: quinque is pronounced "kinky")

94.I don't know if you're in my range, but I'd sure like to take you home to my domain.

95. Hey baby. Want to squeeze my theorem while I poly your nomial?

96. Hey baby, I'm like a rubix cube. THe more you play with me, the harder I get.

97. You're so hot, you must be the cause for global warming.

98. Since distance equals velocity times time, let's let velocity or time approach infinity, because I want to go all the way with you.

99. Your body has the nicest arc length I've ever seen."

100. I hope you know set theory because I want to intersect you and union you.

101. You and I would add up better than a Riemann sum.

102. Can I be the phasor to your electron and take you to an excited state?

103. Let's make like a transcription factor and response element and turn things on.

104. If I were a Shwann cell, I'd squeeze areound your axon and give you a fast action potential.

105. You must be an asymptote, because I just find myself getting closer and closer to you.

106. You're as sweet at 3.14.

107. You must be massive because I'm attracted to you.

108. I won't stop bugging you until I get the address to your home page!

109. You fascinate me more than the fundamental theorem of calculus.

110. My love for you is like a concave function's positive first derivative, because it's always increasing.

111. Let's convert our potential energy to kinetic energy.

112. Why don't we measure the coefficient of static friction between me and you?

113. You're hotter than a bunsen burner set to full power!

114. Baby, together U and I make uranium iodide (UI3)

115. If I were an assembly language, I'd jump to your address, shift right a bit, push it in, pop it out, load a byte into your accumulator, then jump if you're negative.

116. In Euclidean geometry two parallel lines never touch ... let's go back to my place and study some non-Euclidean geometry.

117. My vector has a really large magnitude. Would you care to normalize it?

118. Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.

119. I 1-sin(theta) you.

120. You and I must have the same natural frequency, because we resonate together.

121. The surface of my cylinder is not a compact metric space.

122. Most women are so complex. They're always like "i! i! i!" But you - you're just so real. (Note: i! does not mean i factorial.)

123. My love for you is like the slope of a concave up function because it's always increasing.

124. Can I plug my solution into your equation?

125. The volume of a general cylinder was known for thousands of years, but you won

126. i want to go through your every procedure, Do your Loops, and program your Booleans

127. I wish I were a predicate so I could be the direct object of your affection.

128. I think if you and i had Hex we'd be a perfect OA

129. Can I bombard your singularity with my rocket ship until you supernova?

130. you are the log(base 10) 10^1...

131. Let's work out our orbicularis oris muscles together!
*orbicularis oris = kissing muscles

132. I've been secant you for a long time

133. The direction fields of my heart all point to you

134. Want to be my substrate/enzyme?

135. You have 206 bones in your body... want one more?

136. Chem students do it on the table periodically

137. If you let me work hard enough, I can give you a dipole moment

138. I love you like an unspoken metaphor. That's why I had to use a simile.

139. Instead of being the derivative, id much rather be the secant so i can touch u not only once, but twice

140. Lets make love like pi; irrational and never ending

141. I've been secant you for a long time

142. The direction fields of my heart all point to you

143. baby lets measure the amplitude of our physical wave

144. baby you're the basis of my mind. no matter what i think of, it all comes back to you

145. Maybe later we can go over to my place and titrate until you reach your end-point...

146. The word of the day is "Legs", lets go back to my place and spread the word

147. Baby, you must be a pile of dinosaur bones, cause I dig you!

148. Baby, you're body is like a hyperbola

149. Baby, you're like a pendulum... you'll only stop when I damp you

150. Are you the square root of 2? because I feel irrational when I'm around you

151. Being with you is like switching to polar coordinates: complex and imaginary things now have a magnitude and direction.

152. Our love is more perfect than 6.
(Six is the first perfect number)

153. You can put a Trojan in my Hard Drive anytime

154. Baby you must be a modulus sign, 'cos whenever you wrap your arms round me i always feel positive!

155. Baby, I'm like an oceanic plate on a gravity slide - I can't wait to subduct beneath your crust!

156. You're so hot you denature my proteins

157. Baby you know this shit isn't's firewire!

158. Let's just cut to the chase, I wanna hotsync your PDA.

159. Nobody turns me on from a cold boot like you.

160. Don't worry honey, they call it my dual-channel RAM.

161. If you were Anatomy, then I'd be Physiology because they always go together!

162. Want to make the Cold War hot?

163. My court packing plan isn't my only packing plan...

164. Want to play War of 1812? I'll light your White House on fire...

165. There's a reason they say I started the Era of Good Feelings...

166. Can I annex your territory after class?

167. Do you want to help me with my project on the tit- I'm sorry, TET Offensive?

168. I'll be your Secretary of the Interior...

169. I bet if Jefferson had met you, he would have vetoed the Non-Intercourse Act.

170. Want to go back to my place and discuss Big Stick Diplomacy?

171. Want to reenact the Battle of the Bulge?

172. If you were Anatomy, then I'd be Physiology because they always go together!

173. Hey, up for some high-energy quantum tunnelling tonight?

174. If you were a concentration gradient I'd go down on you

175. Girl whenever I am near you, I undergo anaerobic respiration because you take my breath away

176. If you were C6, and i were H12, all we would need is the air we breathe to be sweeter than sugar...

177. we've been differentiating for too long, lets sum it up and integrate

178. you and i add up better than a riemann sum

179. my love for you is a monotonically increasing unbounded function

180. Your beauty defies real and complex analysis.

181. Your hottness is the only reason we can't reach absolute zero.

182. I use my rod of infinite length for more than just simplifying calculations...

183. You must be a magnetic monopole because all i get from you is attraction

184. My love for you is like pi, it's never-ending.

185. I wish we were in telophase, cause then I could admire your cleavage."

186. Let's make our slopes zero (slope of zero means horizontal => bed)

187. baby you must be O2 cuz i m about to combust all over you

188. I just bought a molecular model kit, want to play with my stick and balls?

189.√-1) 2-2sinθ ∫du
√-1) = i
2-2sinθ = cardiod graph (heart)
∫du = u

190. Forget hydrogen you're my number one element

191. You're cute, I'm cute, together we're 2cute!

192. you are like a proton in my core--without you i could never be the same.

193. Hey baby, wanna form a synapse with me and exchange neurotransmitters?

194. Baby, if you were oceanic crust and I was a continent, I'd let you subduct so we can make hot hot magma.

195. I do believe I am your reciprocal; we will be one when we multiply.

196. Hey baby, wanna form a zygote?

197. If I'm the Riemann zeta function, you must be s=1.

198. You're a moving electric charge, and I'm a moving magnetic charge... Wanna flux?

199. If I toss a fair coin, what are my chances of getting head?

200. hey baby, do you need an anatomy tutor? They say i'm the best because i prefer to use a more HANDS-ON approach.

201. Baby, if they made you in Java, you'd be the object of my desire.

202. Baby, if they made you in C, you would have a pointer to my heart.

203. Baby, if they made you in Haskell, it would infer that you were just my type.

204. You're like a Universal Turing Machine; you're the only one that I'll ever need.

205. Like a quantum computation, our paths are entangled.

206. You're like an NP-hard problem of significant size; I could spend the rest of my life with you.

207. If I could program the universe, I would allocate you and I in contiguous memory blocks.

208. If I was an operating system, your process would have top priority.

209. Like a graph with n^2 edges, you complete me.

210. Are you a non volitaile particle? Because you raise my boiling point.

211. If I went binary, you would be the 1 for me.

212. my hypothalamus must be secreting serotonin because baby, i want you!

213. i'm sine and you're cosine, wanna make like a tangent?

214. I sure hope our coefficient of restitution is 0, 'cos when we make contact i never want to part!

215. My love is like communism; everyone gets a share, and it's only good in theory.

216. You + Me = The number of sides in a Mobius Strip

217. Hey baby, let's make a stress-strain curve together.

218. I don't need neurons to stimulate your sensory system.

219. Let 'u' and 'i' be irrational integers such that a real non-monotonic relationship exists for all T = {0 ... infinity}

220. you must be absolute, because every time you're around me, i feel positive

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Mingle2 - Free Online Dating

How caffeinated are *you*?

So I didn't get to sleep as early as I wanted to last night. I did managed to get to bed by 11:00PM at least! I'll try harder. In any case, the 6 hrs I managed to sleep did help a bit. But I was still pretty tired at work.

19 days before I leave on vacation. 17 days if you count the weekend before I fly out of here. I have some mixed feelings about the trip. Part of me is excited about taking a trip to Italy. A part of me is a little nervous because I am going solo. And another part of is sort "Eh." about the whole thing. I guess I've always been more of a "I'll become excite the day I leave." type of person. I might get a little nervous a few days before due to concern over whether I have everything I need. Other than that, it's all good.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I still don't know why I'm doing this to myself. I am letting myself get distracted most evenings and staying up until around midnight. I still have my alarm set for 5AM. Right now, I feel very exhausted. I also have a lot of stuff I need to get done this week at work. I think coffee will be my close friend.

I'm tired enough that if I am not doing something I am readily able to just close my eyes and sleep. If I didn't force myself to stay awake and do something I probably would fall sleep right there at my desk. I've really got to go to bed earlier. :p Tonight, 10:00PM, I will go to bed. If I don't, will someone trout me?

Anyway, that aside, there have been asome interesting reading coming from Matthew Good. First off, anyone who is a fan of his music and/or has been a frequent visitor of his web site for at least the past year would probably already be familiar with his condition. This week, in light of a documentary hosted by Stephen Fry, Matthew Good has decided to put into his own words his experience with bipolarity. It's some pretty heavy stuff. It's also quite personal and real. I think it took a lot of strength and courage to come out into the open with this. However, a great number of people really appreciate his sharing of his experiences. From my side, I found it very informational as I do not really know of anyone close to me who suffers from this or any other similar mental illness.

So I salute you, Matthew Good. So many people admire you for your music, your opinion and your honesty. I think they will admire you more now for the strength and courage you have shown in opening yourself to us. I think you've become a greater hero for many. Stay real.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


To sort of continue something I briefly touched upon yesterday, I find that I am more self-aware of how I am as a person. I feel that I have a better understanding of how I am as well as how I react to things. I'm sure there are still certain aspects of myself that I have yet to figure out, but within time I will realize them.

In some ways, it's rather amusing to be so introspective. Yet, I think that it's good to know these things.

The few of you who read this on a regular basis must think I'm some sort of headcase at times. And I wonder about the same too! But, I think if I really had any major or serious issues, I would probably seek professional help. However, so far, I think I'm doing alright for the most part. Occasionally, I do need to keep myself grounded and wake up to the reality of my environment/surroundings.

That said, I do find that on occasion I probably think a bit too much about things. Thinking is good, don't get me wrong. However, it comes to a point when the thinking becomes a runaway imagination. That's when it becomes bad. When you start to go in that direction, then you start to lose perspective. You start to speculate. You start to go off on different tangents. At some point, the thinking might become more of an obsession. This is not good or healthy. With an obsession, you really start to lose your focus on other things around you. Priorities get shifted. You start to lose control. Emotionally, things may become a runaway train.

Anyway.. I'm not a psychologist or a shrink. However, maybe I should have studied to be one. But as it is, I ended up studying engineering. I'm okay at it, not great. I manage to perform well enough in my job. Am I happy with my job? I suppose it has it moments. As far as my overall satisfaction with what I'm doing is concerned, on a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate my job at about a 6. But keep in mind that I do put my all into my work. I don't ever want to come off looking like a slacker. I put the effort necessary to get things done.

I think I rambled enough for now.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Some times I think that I need to save me from myself. Why do I say that? Well, from the logical side of things I have come to terms about some things in life. However, because I am still human, this thing called emotions and the associated illogical thoughts come into play.

And why am I bringing this up? Well, without going into too much detail, I got an email (in response to one I had sent) that sort of indicates something that from a logical stand point should not bother me, yet for some reason I got a slight knot in my stomach. There wasn't a whole lot of details in the email, so it's based on an assumption, but still...

I suspect that I am going through yet another of those recurring phases. I was doing fine for a while there. I was doing my own thing. However, it just creeps up on me and I am back to doing some things that I told myself to stop doing. I suppose I need some other distractions. But what else could I do? Of course, this damn weather is a factor too. I am getting tired of this dreary, wet, cold weather. I need some sunshine and warmth! Of course, it doesn't help that I am going through a little bit of anxiety.. :-p

Gotta love self-analysis. You can figure out eventually what's going on, but how to fix it all? That's a whole other kettle of fish!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Online Course

Oh yeah. It's been about a week since I registered and paid for this online course with O'Reilly. I've completed about 6 lessons of this first course. I'm just waiting for a couple of the objectives and quizzes to be graded. I guess the "instructor" doesn't work on weekends. :-p

There are 19 lessons on this first course. I'm going at a pretty good speed, I think. Of course, most of this File System stuff I'm not a total stranger to, so that makes things a bit easier. But we'll see later on...


I really, really dislike rainy, dreary days. I find that they somehow manage to zap the energy out of you. I really did not feel like doing a whole lot today. There were a few things that I did manage to do and got done. Aside from that, not much else. With the raininess, I did not feel like going to the Hash today either. Considering the cold and dampness, it would not have been good for my left knee.

Meanwhile, I find that my washing machine is leaking a little. Great. Just what I needed. Optimistically, I am hoping that it's something simple that can be fixed easily. Pessimistically, it might be easier to just buy a new washer, but this one is just over 5 years old. Plus, I am such a girl when it comes to stuff like this. I know that there's a panel you can open to check out stuff underneath the drum (this is a front load washer), but I'm afraid of doing something stupid. Maybe one of the guys at work could give a hand with such things.

Yesterday, I had my appointment to get my hair done. It's been such a long time since I had my hair done. I decided to just stick to my natural color in covering up the greys. I got my hair trimmed and layered. The ends were starting to thin and become brittle and split. Since I last had my hair done in September, it had also gotten rather long. It was also starting to annoy me. Anyway, I always find it nice to relax and get some pampering.

Yes, another rip-roaring, exciting weekend.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sometimes we need to be reminded...

.. As well as to think about this when things seem a bit down in the dumps. I referenced it when it was first posted, but the original post has since been deleted. However, someone in the MG Community asked about it and luckily someone had kept a copy of it. And here I will help to immortalize those words. I think quite a few people were really moved by this.

"I Fall Down. You Get Up. Not A Sound Between Us.

Good love is a few months. Of bliss, of nothing wrongs, of sparkle, of tight gripping hands, of the inability to get close enough.

Bad love is a lifetime.

Bad love is the greatest test known to us. It is our most prized pain - so sought after, so hard to find. Bad love is work, giving-in, compromise, forgiveness, the unflinching support for another even at their most humiliated, their most vulnerable. Bad love is not on television, at the movies, on vacation, or at the bank. Bad love is not in the church, the temple, or under the dome. Bad love is not all around us.

Bad love is what we find when we let go enough to actually be found by someone else."

- Matthew Good, February 14th, 2007

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Constantly working at doing something

Well, I went ahead and did it again. I registered for more classes. Now hang on a second! This is not yet another classroom type of class! I decided to take the plunge and enroll in one of the online certificate programs at O'Reilly. I decided to go for the Linux/Unix System Administration Certificate Series. It looks like something I can handle. Plus it's something that I am interested in.

There's about 19 lessons to complete in the first course. I've already finished 3 of them and taken 2 quizzes. It's not that bad. The way it's designed, you learn by doing and trying things out repeatedly. I think for some people, this is the best way to learn. I know that I would probably go out of my mind if I sat through another theoretical technical course. I found that the classes where you had exercises to do during the class were more helpful than the ones where you just listened to a lecture.

Other than that, I've been pretty busy at work with some testing. I think that I have been concentrating on getting the testing done that I am somewhat mentally drained and exhausted. I need a really good solid night's sleep to recover.

In the meantime, I went ahead and planned the next social gathering. I figure on doing an 80's movie night. I'm thinking of making some ribs in the slow cooker. I'd have the folks bring drinks and dessert to round things out. :-) I hope enough people come. It'd be more fun that way.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Assumptions that annoy me

Well, I've sort of started to prowl the dating sites again. However, I really try to limit my time on them as I've found in the past that they can eat up a lot of your time. In any case, I had recently updated my pic and profile on one of the sites. The other day, I received this message.

Date: Apr 06 at 3:38 PM EDT
Subject: opposite of...

what i used too read in asian profiles... readind you, look more western than asian....

i am not critical at all.... i am just observative... i even like...

asian are more pragmatic normally.... and more live to work....

First of all, it pisses me off to no end that just because I'm Asian that I just immigrated here. Secondly, I wish that some people would at least proofread what they wrote. Maybe they've been communicating in broken English too often? :-p Needless to say, I did not bother to reply back to this guy. Plus, it also seems like he's got a thing for Asians.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Mid-Life Shopping Continues

Gaah! I've done it again.. And I think I *was* doing alright... I think?

Recent purchases...

- Yamaha DVD player
- Viewsonic 20" LCD TV
- Deuter Day Pack
- some clothes

Oh, of course this is on top of the trip... :-p

Hooray for plastic!!


I think I've lost it.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Now, I like to check out what's happening in my old home town. This usually means checking out Occasionally there's some interesting rumors about the Red Sox or something. Today, I came across a special report that was done recently with regards to the soldiers who've returned from serving in Iraq. It's sad to read about the lack of treatment or help the veterans are getting after they have come back home. This is in light of the fact that their own government is trying to push off a pullout timeline. This same government has allocated millions into this war against terrorism. Did they forget to take care of their own when they come back from fighting? Apparently so, it seems.

And here's another tidbit I found. It's nice to know that there are still people out there who believe that they can make a difference. Now, what really ends up happening down the line, one can only hope. I wish this kid much luck in his future endeavours.

Aside from the political bullshit that we see pretty much on a daily basis now, not much has really been happening on a personal level. I get up, go to work, do my thing, go home, sleep. Repeat as necessary. Today is a rather rainy and dreary day so it increases any already exisiting tedium.

More petfood recalls. I don't know what to do any more. I noticed that IAMS put out a full page ad to declare that none of their dry petfoods contain wheat gluten. I suppose to some degree that is a comfort. My dilemma now is what to feed these guys. There's still a big tin of Prescription Science Diet w/d. Do I let them finish this? Or do I get a bag of some other food instead? *sigh*

I have a weakness. My weakness is shopping. I was having this discussion with a friend of mine. He has his own weakness. His weakness is this need to hit on/pick up every hot chick he sees. The sad thing is that he's relatively successful at it. The other day he told me that he managed to collect 5 phone numbers from different women. I told him he needed help. He's out of control.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I'm part Geek. Free Online Dating67% - Free Online Dating

So I'm only about 2/3 Geek. :p

World's Longest Undefended Border

Well, I find it ironic that with the US on occasion complaining about potential terrorists coming into the US via Canada, that they cannot even afford to maintain their share in the upkeep of the border. For a country that is able to allocated billions for their war against terror they cannot afford to mow the lawn, so to speak. To me this means that the US will complain about things when it suits them. I suppose this also means it would be easier to jump the border under cover of tall grass and shrubs.

Go figure.

Monday, April 02, 2007

New one from Matthew Good

Well, the man did it! He made available one of the songs from his upcoming album Hospital Music. It's pretty good! It'll sound better when I get a chance to listen to it from the other computer. I'm afraid the speakers on the ibook just don't cut it. :-p

Have a listen, folks! (Link to Matthew Good's website is on the right.) :-)