I think I am starting to feel some of the effects of the new meds. Some of my muscles are a little bit achy. I feel slightly dizzy some times. A little bit of drowsiness. But other than that, I feel for the most part alright.
I'm going to give meditation a bit of a go. I'll start off with 15 minute sessions in the morning and in the evening. I might look into checking out the yoga class they have here at work. As well, since insurance covers it, I might look into massage therapy. I'm starting to believe that some underlying stress as well as some anxiety about this condition has been bugging me.
My BP this morning was 122/84. Not terribly bad, I guess. I didn't take it right after I woke up, so it might have been lower.
Meanwhile, I am trying to eat more heart and BP healthy. Last night, I made a batch of black beans and rice. It came out alright. The only salt was from the beans (canned) and the vegetable broth. I tried to rinse the beans as much as possible. As for the brother, I diluted it by substituting a portion of it with water.
This morning, I cycled into work. It's not a horrendously long ride, but I didn't try to over-exert myself either. I didn't feel any more tired than usual when I last rode. However, with the muscle aches, it did feel like I required more effort to pedal.
This is day 5 on the Indapamide.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Weekend Post-Mortem
One word: Blech!
That pretty much sums up my weekend.
I spent most of Saturday trying to relax and watched some TV. For most of the day I had a headache. I wasn't sure about taking some Tylenol, but by 3PM I really needed something. At some point after dinner, I started to feel the tension in my chest again. I figure I'd go to bed early and sleep off the headache. Nope, the chest pains persisted and the heart palpitations started up again. This time it just seemed worse that before. I think I went into a near panic.
I managed to get a hold of one friend who suggested I call Info-Sante first. The nurse I spoke with asked me to check my BP. It was 160/102. Yoiks! She suggested I get myself to the ER. So I called back my friend who said he could come by in about 20 minutes. While waiting I get a call back from another friend I had left a voicemail with. While talking to him, friend A called back to say he would be an hour instead. So I spoke with friend B who agreed to take me to the ER.
I got to the ER around midnight, I think. I got registered. I waited maybe 15 minutes before going through triage. Then it was maybe another 15-30 minutes before I got called into an exam room. But I waited in the exam room for at least 30-45 minutes before the doctor came in. The blood workup yielded nothing unusual. The ECG done during triage indicated nothing unusual. He did a standard examination. He suggested I stick around for another test and possible chest x-ray. Oh yay!
Anyway, a little after 2AM, I told my friend he should go home and get some sleep. I'd give him a ring when I was done.
So they got me a bed in the ER. I tried to get some sleep, but there was stuff going on all the time. I would hear one patient groaning somewhere. She sounded very elderly. The nurse came by to check my BP. At some point another ECG was done. Then I had a chest x-ray done. I had more blood taken again for another test. In the end, none of the tests indicated anything was wrong. Last BP check gave 140/84. Huge difference! I was released as there was nothing physically wrong. The nurse (she was really nice) asked if I was under any stress. I said not more than usual. However, I think there are probably some underlying issues that are starting to rear its ugly head.
Anyway, by the time I got home it was nearly 8AM. I was really tired. I tried to get some sleep, but it was difficult. I finally got out of bed around 1:30PM. I managed to go get some groceries. I still had a slight headache though. I finally called it quits around 8:30PM and went to bed. I read a bit more Harry Potter before turning off the lights. I slept pretty much straight through until my alarm went off.
Saturday night's events kinda poked me hard in the ribs to figure out what's bothering me. For sure I need to perhaps start by meditating and relaxing. Someone had suggested the audiobook The Joy of Meditating. I downloaded from iTunes and gave it a listen yesterday afternoon. It seemed to help somewhat. Just focusing on the voice and what the reader was saying. I listened to it again this morning. It's still too soon to say how well it will work, but we'll see.
Today, I still feel a little tired, but the headache is pretty much gone. I think I am still tired from being up all night Saturday. My BP when I got up was 102/84. BIG difference. So we'll see how things go.
That pretty much sums up my weekend.
I spent most of Saturday trying to relax and watched some TV. For most of the day I had a headache. I wasn't sure about taking some Tylenol, but by 3PM I really needed something. At some point after dinner, I started to feel the tension in my chest again. I figure I'd go to bed early and sleep off the headache. Nope, the chest pains persisted and the heart palpitations started up again. This time it just seemed worse that before. I think I went into a near panic.
I managed to get a hold of one friend who suggested I call Info-Sante first. The nurse I spoke with asked me to check my BP. It was 160/102. Yoiks! She suggested I get myself to the ER. So I called back my friend who said he could come by in about 20 minutes. While waiting I get a call back from another friend I had left a voicemail with. While talking to him, friend A called back to say he would be an hour instead. So I spoke with friend B who agreed to take me to the ER.
I got to the ER around midnight, I think. I got registered. I waited maybe 15 minutes before going through triage. Then it was maybe another 15-30 minutes before I got called into an exam room. But I waited in the exam room for at least 30-45 minutes before the doctor came in. The blood workup yielded nothing unusual. The ECG done during triage indicated nothing unusual. He did a standard examination. He suggested I stick around for another test and possible chest x-ray. Oh yay!
Anyway, a little after 2AM, I told my friend he should go home and get some sleep. I'd give him a ring when I was done.
So they got me a bed in the ER. I tried to get some sleep, but there was stuff going on all the time. I would hear one patient groaning somewhere. She sounded very elderly. The nurse came by to check my BP. At some point another ECG was done. Then I had a chest x-ray done. I had more blood taken again for another test. In the end, none of the tests indicated anything was wrong. Last BP check gave 140/84. Huge difference! I was released as there was nothing physically wrong. The nurse (she was really nice) asked if I was under any stress. I said not more than usual. However, I think there are probably some underlying issues that are starting to rear its ugly head.
Anyway, by the time I got home it was nearly 8AM. I was really tired. I tried to get some sleep, but it was difficult. I finally got out of bed around 1:30PM. I managed to go get some groceries. I still had a slight headache though. I finally called it quits around 8:30PM and went to bed. I read a bit more Harry Potter before turning off the lights. I slept pretty much straight through until my alarm went off.
Saturday night's events kinda poked me hard in the ribs to figure out what's bothering me. For sure I need to perhaps start by meditating and relaxing. Someone had suggested the audiobook The Joy of Meditating. I downloaded from iTunes and gave it a listen yesterday afternoon. It seemed to help somewhat. Just focusing on the voice and what the reader was saying. I listened to it again this morning. It's still too soon to say how well it will work, but we'll see.
Today, I still feel a little tired, but the headache is pretty much gone. I think I am still tired from being up all night Saturday. My BP when I got up was 102/84. BIG difference. So we'll see how things go.
Friday, July 27, 2007
New meds
Okay, so today is day one with Indapamide. It's a diuretic. So for most of this morning, I had to get up and go to the bathroom quite often. Apparently, the frequency will subside after a while.
I think this stull will take a bit longer to produce results versus the Avapro. Whereas you saw results almost immediately with Avapro, I think with this stuff, it could be a couple of weeks. In the meantime, I need to work on my diet and exercise.
I've done some digging around with the help of Google and found tons of information on food and nutrition related to hypertension. I've also checked Amazon to see what cookbooks were available specifically for low-sodium or heart healthy cooking.
Anyway, I can see that my BP has started to creep up since I'm not on Avapro today.
I *REALLY* need to stop thinking and worrying so much and try to relax. Of course this is always easier said than done! :p
I think this stull will take a bit longer to produce results versus the Avapro. Whereas you saw results almost immediately with Avapro, I think with this stuff, it could be a couple of weeks. In the meantime, I need to work on my diet and exercise.
I've done some digging around with the help of Google and found tons of information on food and nutrition related to hypertension. I've also checked Amazon to see what cookbooks were available specifically for low-sodium or heart healthy cooking.
Anyway, I can see that my BP has started to creep up since I'm not on Avapro today.
I *REALLY* need to stop thinking and worrying so much and try to relax. Of course this is always easier said than done! :p
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Day Nine
I ended up going to sleep a bit later than intended. This was due primarily to how I was feeling again last night. I knew I was tired and sleepy and I really want to go to bed early and sleep. I went to bed at around 10 and tried to sleep. But Sleep would not come. That evening I was feeling my heart pounding again. Plus, there was a hint of anxiety again. These feelings were really starting to cheese me off!
Anyhow, I did manage to fall asleep at some point after 1AM. :-p My alarm still woke me up at 5AM but I don't think I crawled out of bed until about 5:45. Still...
My heart was still pounding a bit this morning. There was still some anxiety. My arms felt shaky for some reason too. In fact, I think I've experienced some shakiness since I started taking this shit. Blech :-p Enough was enough.
I managed to get some work done today, but the way I was feeling made it hard to concentrate on what I was doing. It was starting to affect my nerves a little.
After work, I went to the clinic. I waited about 90 minutes before I finally saw the doc. I told him how I was feeling. He checked my BP which was 127/98. The 98 is not good. It indicates that I would definitely need medication to bring it under control. With my home BP monitor I should see 110/70 as a good BP to have. So the doc wrote down a list of things I should do or not do. He wrote a prescription for a different type of medication and that I should discontinue the Avapro. So tomorrow morning I will start on Indapamide, which is a diuretic.
Anyhow, I did manage to fall asleep at some point after 1AM. :-p My alarm still woke me up at 5AM but I don't think I crawled out of bed until about 5:45. Still...
My heart was still pounding a bit this morning. There was still some anxiety. My arms felt shaky for some reason too. In fact, I think I've experienced some shakiness since I started taking this shit. Blech :-p Enough was enough.
I managed to get some work done today, but the way I was feeling made it hard to concentrate on what I was doing. It was starting to affect my nerves a little.
After work, I went to the clinic. I waited about 90 minutes before I finally saw the doc. I told him how I was feeling. He checked my BP which was 127/98. The 98 is not good. It indicates that I would definitely need medication to bring it under control. With my home BP monitor I should see 110/70 as a good BP to have. So the doc wrote down a list of things I should do or not do. He wrote a prescription for a different type of medication and that I should discontinue the Avapro. So tomorrow morning I will start on Indapamide, which is a diuretic.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Strange Package
Okay, so it's day seven. For the most part I feel alright, but I seem to be extra drowsy this week. It might be due to something that regularly occurs. Ok, nuff said on that subject.
I had a very unproductive day today because I brought my laptop in to the help desk to get the HD changed. The original one kept telling me that failure was imminent. Right.
Recently, I placed an order with Amazon UK for the DVD box set of Ghost In The Shell 2nd Gig. It seems the box set was only available there. I couldn't find it other than as individual DVDs at either Amazon US or Canada. Anyway.. So I opened the package. The box set was there along with the invoice. However, along with the DVDs was this:

Really, really strange. I could feel that there was something inside the package. I didn't want to open it, so I held it up against the light.

I'm not sure if you can make it out in the picture, but it seems that there is a cross in the little packet. How odd! In any case, I think what I will do with it is to slap some local postage on it and send it off. Let the mystery remain. Someone suggested that maybe I stick it in another envelope and send it off with a note. I think I'd rather stay as anonymous as the person who stuck this in my package.
What do you think?
I had a very unproductive day today because I brought my laptop in to the help desk to get the HD changed. The original one kept telling me that failure was imminent. Right.
Recently, I placed an order with Amazon UK for the DVD box set of Ghost In The Shell 2nd Gig. It seems the box set was only available there. I couldn't find it other than as individual DVDs at either Amazon US or Canada. Anyway.. So I opened the package. The box set was there along with the invoice. However, along with the DVDs was this:
Really, really strange. I could feel that there was something inside the package. I didn't want to open it, so I held it up against the light.
I'm not sure if you can make it out in the picture, but it seems that there is a cross in the little packet. How odd! In any case, I think what I will do with it is to slap some local postage on it and send it off. Let the mystery remain. Someone suggested that maybe I stick it in another envelope and send it off with a note. I think I'd rather stay as anonymous as the person who stuck this in my package.
What do you think?
Monday, July 23, 2007
Day Six
So I sucked it up and went to the Hash yesterday. I think that was the wide decision. Even though we had to entire stop and go traffic that essentially doubled our drive time up, the weather was great and it was fun. :-)
The walkers had a choice of following the trail and taking an easier route along the street that goes around the lake. I opted for the easier walk. In the end it was still a good 1.5 hr walk out and back.
Today, being a Monday, something just had to happen at work. The HD on my laptop finally gave me the finger. It finally gave me the message saying that hard-drive failure imminent. I thought that was rather amusing actually. In any case, I gave the IT Helpdesk a call around 1PM to report the problem. They said it would be a relatively high severity since I cannot do any work. Two hours later, no call. So I called again. The guy this time said would put the call in again. About a half hour later, I get a call from another person saying they need the serial number. I said I gave it to the guy. The girl at the other end said it was short a digit. So I had to flip the laptop over again to give her the number. The guy who took down the S/N was a dumbass. :p In any case, the girl said someone will call in the morning to get the HD changed. Great.
Anyway, the saga of my laptop will continue. I know it will be a long week as I have to get some testing done by early next week. Yeah, this ought to do my blood pressure some real good! ;-)
The walkers had a choice of following the trail and taking an easier route along the street that goes around the lake. I opted for the easier walk. In the end it was still a good 1.5 hr walk out and back.
Today, being a Monday, something just had to happen at work. The HD on my laptop finally gave me the finger. It finally gave me the message saying that hard-drive failure imminent. I thought that was rather amusing actually. In any case, I gave the IT Helpdesk a call around 1PM to report the problem. They said it would be a relatively high severity since I cannot do any work. Two hours later, no call. So I called again. The guy this time said would put the call in again. About a half hour later, I get a call from another person saying they need the serial number. I said I gave it to the guy. The girl at the other end said it was short a digit. So I had to flip the laptop over again to give her the number. The guy who took down the S/N was a dumbass. :p In any case, the girl said someone will call in the morning to get the HD changed. Great.
Anyway, the saga of my laptop will continue. I know it will be a long week as I have to get some testing done by early next week. Yeah, this ought to do my blood pressure some real good! ;-)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Day Five
For some reason I feel slightly off this morning. I checked my BP and it seems OK although the pulse is slightly high at 93. But then again, it's been bouncing around between 76 and 96 when I've taken the measurement.
Tummy is feeling a little bit off this morning after breakfast. I don't know if it's due to one of the other side effects of the meds or my slight lactose intolerance. Anyway, it's not *THAT* bad.
So I'm wondering if I will be able to go up North today for the Hash, or if I should take it easy. I know it ought to be fun given that we have some really nice weather today. I've still got a couple of hours to think about it. I have to meet up with my ride by 11:30.
Tummy is feeling a little bit off this morning after breakfast. I don't know if it's due to one of the other side effects of the meds or my slight lactose intolerance. Anyway, it's not *THAT* bad.
So I'm wondering if I will be able to go up North today for the Hash, or if I should take it easy. I know it ought to be fun given that we have some really nice weather today. I've still got a couple of hours to think about it. I have to meet up with my ride by 11:30.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
I just got the book. Yay!!!
I just finished having some lunch. Just some dumplings. I'll probably head out shortly to the Canadian Tire to look for a clothes rack. Hopefully I won't come away with more junk.
I just finished having some lunch. Just some dumplings. I'll probably head out shortly to the Canadian Tire to look for a clothes rack. Hopefully I won't come away with more junk.
Weekend Update
Today is day four of taking the medication. I think my body is still adjusting, but I think the more annyoing side effects may have passed. I don't feel as anxious. I think the heart rate is starting to regulate itself a bit more. Overall, almost normal. I still feel a bit odd at times, but nothing of great concern.
Meanwhile, I am waiting for my copy of the latest Harry Potter book to be delivered. I hope it arrives some time this morning.
I'll probably have to step out and look for a rack to dry clothes on. Until I get the dryer duct checked out, I am not going to use the dryer. I don't need to have the dryer combust on me.
So far so good with the tire. I saw the nail again in the tire. It's pretty close to the wall of the tire. Anyway, no long trips with the car for now.
Meanwhile, I am waiting for my copy of the latest Harry Potter book to be delivered. I hope it arrives some time this morning.
I'll probably have to step out and look for a rack to dry clothes on. Until I get the dryer duct checked out, I am not going to use the dryer. I don't need to have the dryer combust on me.
So far so good with the tire. I saw the nail again in the tire. It's pretty close to the wall of the tire. Anyway, no long trips with the car for now.
Found on the GC Forum:
Bill Gates’ son asks his father, “Dad, I'd like to try to have sex, what should I do?” Bill replies, “That's simple, son. Just take the biggest car from my garage, dress in the best suit you have and take the girl into the most exclusive restaurant in town. Rent a hansom cab in the evening and take her for a trip around the lake. Buy her the biggest bunch of flowers you can find. Finally rent the presidential suite at a ritzy hotel and she'll be yours. That’s all there is to it.”
His son is shocked, “But Dad! Where are the romantic walks, gazes, reading of poetry in the moonlight, flirting ... ?”
Bill scoffs, “Son, all that was invented by the Open Source community so that they can have sex for free.”
Friday, July 20, 2007
Day Three
So this is the 3rd day of taking this stuff. Today was not as bad as yesterday. I felt less anxious. The heart is still beating a bit hard at times but not as badly as yesterday. I do seem to have a few minor muscle aches, but nothing that lasts too terribly long. The stuff still makes me a bit more drowsy at times, but I can deal with that. I still get the occasional dull headache, but that's bearable. Other than that, nothing that seems too serious.
Today I went and got a small, portable, external hard drive. I needed one to back up my stuff on the laptop. There is a DVD burner at work, but the disks only hold 4GB. Plus, I think it's a pain to burn a disk each time I want to perform a backup. I figure with an 80GB HD, that should be more than sufficient to backup most data from the laptop. The laptop only has a 40GB HD. I had already cleaned out about 10GB worth of stuff I hadn't touched in ages. So we'll see how well this backup works.
In the meantime, I was a bit of a piggy this evening. I went by this Lebanese place to get some shish taouk for dinner. Originally, I was just going to get a shish taouk pita, but instead I got the shish taouk plate. A bit more food than originally planned, but it was good. I will have to make up for it this weekend, though. :p
Today I went and got a small, portable, external hard drive. I needed one to back up my stuff on the laptop. There is a DVD burner at work, but the disks only hold 4GB. Plus, I think it's a pain to burn a disk each time I want to perform a backup. I figure with an 80GB HD, that should be more than sufficient to backup most data from the laptop. The laptop only has a 40GB HD. I had already cleaned out about 10GB worth of stuff I hadn't touched in ages. So we'll see how well this backup works.
In the meantime, I was a bit of a piggy this evening. I went by this Lebanese place to get some shish taouk for dinner. Originally, I was just going to get a shish taouk pita, but instead I got the shish taouk plate. A bit more food than originally planned, but it was good. I will have to make up for it this weekend, though. :p
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Maybe it's just me and my nerves, but ever since this whole deal with my blood pressure, I've been feeling a bit more anxious at times. The meds seem to be doing it things, but I kinda freaked out a little last night when I felt a little tightening around my ribs. Maybe it's just the muscles, who knows. So today is day 2 on the meds. I haven't noticed too much in the way of any side effects. I do have a slight headache. I also feel more drowsy than usual. At times, I feel slightly more shaky.
I managed to ride my bike to work yesterday. Since it was also a relatively warm and muggy day, I tried not to over-exert myself. I managed alright. I am also trying very hard to make small adjustments to my diet. It will be tricky to remember not to eat certain things like chips, bacon and the like. Last night I heated up a Dr. Oetkers pizza. According to the box, one serving is 1/4 of the pizza. So that is what I ate, plus a salad. The rest, I bagged and threw into the fridge for another time. I *REALLY* have to keep an eye on portions too. I think I've gained about 5 pounds in the past month! I've just been an absolutely piggy lately! I don't know why. Maybe subconsciously I am comfort feeding. Who knows.
In any case, tickets for the Matthew Good show at Club Soda go on sale today at noon. At least that's what the newspaper says. So let's see how many tickets I can get.
I managed to ride my bike to work yesterday. Since it was also a relatively warm and muggy day, I tried not to over-exert myself. I managed alright. I am also trying very hard to make small adjustments to my diet. It will be tricky to remember not to eat certain things like chips, bacon and the like. Last night I heated up a Dr. Oetkers pizza. According to the box, one serving is 1/4 of the pizza. So that is what I ate, plus a salad. The rest, I bagged and threw into the fridge for another time. I *REALLY* have to keep an eye on portions too. I think I've gained about 5 pounds in the past month! I've just been an absolutely piggy lately! I don't know why. Maybe subconsciously I am comfort feeding. Who knows.
In any case, tickets for the Matthew Good show at Club Soda go on sale today at noon. At least that's what the newspaper says. So let's see how many tickets I can get.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Even more annoyed
I'm even more annoyed now because I got a msg on my answering machine yesterday from the clinic regarding the results of my bp monitoring. It seems that the doc wants to prescribe some medication for me. Oh, great.
So I went to the pharmacy to pick it up. It's Avapro and he's only prescribed 30 days worth of the stuff. I guess I need to take care of the diet and exercise part of all this. :p
Meanwhile, I have really got to remember NOT to drink coffee after 1PM. I had trouble sleeping last night. It could be a combination of the coffee and the anxiety of knowing I need to have medication for this condition.
It sucks getting old. :p
So I went to the pharmacy to pick it up. It's Avapro and he's only prescribed 30 days worth of the stuff. I guess I need to take care of the diet and exercise part of all this. :p
Meanwhile, I have really got to remember NOT to drink coffee after 1PM. I had trouble sleeping last night. It could be a combination of the coffee and the anxiety of knowing I need to have medication for this condition.
It sucks getting old. :p
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I am annoyed today.
Because I found that there is a nail embedded in the rear passenger-side tire. The tire hasn't gone flat yet. I have no idea how long the nail had been there. I'm going to leave it well enough along until I can get the car to the garage and have it looked at.
I am also annoyed at my dryer. For some reason it's not drying as efficiently as it should. I guess I kinda noticed that the towels did not dry very well last week, but didn't think of it until I did some laundry today. *grumble*
So what else will annoy me?
Because I found that there is a nail embedded in the rear passenger-side tire. The tire hasn't gone flat yet. I have no idea how long the nail had been there. I'm going to leave it well enough along until I can get the car to the garage and have it looked at.
I am also annoyed at my dryer. For some reason it's not drying as efficiently as it should. I guess I kinda noticed that the towels did not dry very well last week, but didn't think of it until I did some laundry today. *grumble*
So what else will annoy me?
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Things I would like to but can't afford at the moment.
Yeah... I need to pay down my credit card first. I think I went a little out of control in recent months..
So if anyone is feeling generous.. ;-)
- Nikon AF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 G DX VR Zoom Lens
- Nikon Coolpix P5000 Digital Camera (to replace current P&S digital camera)
- 32"+ LCD or Plasma TV (I would still need to do some more research on this)
Well, I guess this is just a start to the wishlist.... I'm sure there's other stuff I'd like. I think the only reason I have been able to refrain from making such purchases (other than the credit limit) is I have been asking myself a lot of questions such as: Do I really need this? What about this, that and the other thing? You know, going through the reasoning process. Looking at the logic behind it all. And in the end, I usually end up not buying the item. Which is a good thing, really.
So if anyone is feeling generous.. ;-)
- Nikon AF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 G DX VR Zoom Lens
- Nikon Coolpix P5000 Digital Camera (to replace current P&S digital camera)
- 32"+ LCD or Plasma TV (I would still need to do some more research on this)
Well, I guess this is just a start to the wishlist.... I'm sure there's other stuff I'd like. I think the only reason I have been able to refrain from making such purchases (other than the credit limit) is I have been asking myself a lot of questions such as: Do I really need this? What about this, that and the other thing? You know, going through the reasoning process. Looking at the logic behind it all. And in the end, I usually end up not buying the item. Which is a good thing, really.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Mr. Butch Quote
"You got to be articulate every day and keep going on strong and straight and use your heart and all your might and all your weight and all your power. Do what you can, make it last for many hour, 'cause once you're dead, you're done, you don't come back.
There's a more complete article in today's Boston Globe about Mr. Butch.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
R.I.P. Mr. Butch
It's kinda funny. Just a few weeks ago I was waxing nostalgic about the old days when I was still living in Boston. I was remembering some things like the old 'hood and characters like Mr. Butch. And strangely enough this happens.
Some have scorned him. Some have praised and admired him. From what I can tell, he lived his life on his own terms.
And so, life must go one... You'll be missed, Mr. Butch.
On a happier note, the Red Dress Run raised just over $1500 for the Make A Wish Foundation in memory of fellow hasher 10% Off who passed away last year.
Some have scorned him. Some have praised and admired him. From what I can tell, he lived his life on his own terms.
And so, life must go one... You'll be missed, Mr. Butch.
On a happier note, the Red Dress Run raised just over $1500 for the Make A Wish Foundation in memory of fellow hasher 10% Off who passed away last year.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Red Dress Weekend Recap
End of Week 27, Start of Week 28
So the weekend started off with me heading downtown to meet up with some of the hashers for a bite to eat and to check out the sights and sounds of the Jazz Festival. I think in all about 10 of us showed up. Only 6 of us stuck around the restaurant to eat. I really haven't gone out to eat much lately, so I was taken slightly aback at the the prices on the menu. In any case, I figure I'd stick with something "light" since I had a big lunch. I got a salad which came with this big, grilled piece of chicken breast. The salad was pretty good but it was just huge!
After eating, we made our way down to the outdoor venue for the Jazz Festival. A couple of the Hashers were already down there. We knew what stage they were at, so that's where we headed for. We didn't find them immediately, but we did enjoy the last few minutes of the act performing. I believe the performer was Ryan Shaw. Pretty good stuff! After his set was over and people started to disperse, we found our other cohorts. We chatted a bit and took a few pics. Some of them wanted to grab a beer. So we just hung out for a little while. Around 10:30PM, I wanted to head back since I wanted to get some sleep before the next day's Red Dress Run. However, on the way to the metro station I did stop by a souvenir kiosk. After perusing their wares, I came away with a t-shirt and a key chain. The damage wasn't that bad! :)
Saturday: Red Dress Run. I had a couple of errands to run in the morning. Then I headed off downtown. When I came out of the metro I noticed that they closed off one of the main streets. Also, on the way in I saw a few colorfully costumes people. Uh-oh! It's the Cari-Fete parade! D'oh! I suspect that some people will be late getting in because there would be some traffic. I had noticed that there was quite a bit of traffic on the inbound Decarie Expressway. With the parade, some of the streets will be closed off. In any case, I made my way to Hurley's. I was a little bit early, so I figure it might be a good idea to have a small bite to eat. So I ordered some fries and a half-pint of Harp.
Eventually, people started to show up but it was a bit after 1PM. I think by the time everyone who was going to show up showed up, it was almost 1PM. The bagpiper at least made it more or less on time. In any case, pics from this weekend can be seen on my flickr page (see right side).
Sunday: Hangover Hash. Well, I was pretty wiped from all the walking on Saturday. I think not long after my head hit the pillow that I was out like a light. I don't remember what time I got up, but I was still pretty tired. The weather outside was a bit wet, but the forecast was updated to say that there would be sunny breaks in the afternoon. Okay, I guess will go to the Hash today. So I hitched a ride with a couple of people to head out to Kirkland. It was going to be a live hare hash. That meant the hares were given a head start to lay the trail. Sinner Bad needed some help with some stuff and we were going to have a beer stop somewhere. So off we go to get some beer cups and look for the place for the beer stop.
After the beer stop it was pretty much a straight shot back to the starting point. Then it was the circle, beer, food and the pool!
Anyway, it was a pretty busy and tiring weekend. :)
So the weekend started off with me heading downtown to meet up with some of the hashers for a bite to eat and to check out the sights and sounds of the Jazz Festival. I think in all about 10 of us showed up. Only 6 of us stuck around the restaurant to eat. I really haven't gone out to eat much lately, so I was taken slightly aback at the the prices on the menu. In any case, I figure I'd stick with something "light" since I had a big lunch. I got a salad which came with this big, grilled piece of chicken breast. The salad was pretty good but it was just huge!
After eating, we made our way down to the outdoor venue for the Jazz Festival. A couple of the Hashers were already down there. We knew what stage they were at, so that's where we headed for. We didn't find them immediately, but we did enjoy the last few minutes of the act performing. I believe the performer was Ryan Shaw. Pretty good stuff! After his set was over and people started to disperse, we found our other cohorts. We chatted a bit and took a few pics. Some of them wanted to grab a beer. So we just hung out for a little while. Around 10:30PM, I wanted to head back since I wanted to get some sleep before the next day's Red Dress Run. However, on the way to the metro station I did stop by a souvenir kiosk. After perusing their wares, I came away with a t-shirt and a key chain. The damage wasn't that bad! :)
Saturday: Red Dress Run. I had a couple of errands to run in the morning. Then I headed off downtown. When I came out of the metro I noticed that they closed off one of the main streets. Also, on the way in I saw a few colorfully costumes people. Uh-oh! It's the Cari-Fete parade! D'oh! I suspect that some people will be late getting in because there would be some traffic. I had noticed that there was quite a bit of traffic on the inbound Decarie Expressway. With the parade, some of the streets will be closed off. In any case, I made my way to Hurley's. I was a little bit early, so I figure it might be a good idea to have a small bite to eat. So I ordered some fries and a half-pint of Harp.
Eventually, people started to show up but it was a bit after 1PM. I think by the time everyone who was going to show up showed up, it was almost 1PM. The bagpiper at least made it more or less on time. In any case, pics from this weekend can be seen on my flickr page (see right side).
Sunday: Hangover Hash. Well, I was pretty wiped from all the walking on Saturday. I think not long after my head hit the pillow that I was out like a light. I don't remember what time I got up, but I was still pretty tired. The weather outside was a bit wet, but the forecast was updated to say that there would be sunny breaks in the afternoon. Okay, I guess will go to the Hash today. So I hitched a ride with a couple of people to head out to Kirkland. It was going to be a live hare hash. That meant the hares were given a head start to lay the trail. Sinner Bad needed some help with some stuff and we were going to have a beer stop somewhere. So off we go to get some beer cups and look for the place for the beer stop.
After the beer stop it was pretty much a straight shot back to the starting point. Then it was the circle, beer, food and the pool!
Anyway, it was a pretty busy and tiring weekend. :)
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Things that make me shake my head...
Yeah, I kinda started to peruse one of the sites again. Nothing has changed. I still seem to attract the odd deviant without even trying. This fellow is from Australia, so you can imagine what questions went through my head during and after (see below). So this is part of what transpired:
Him says: (11:00:43 PM)do you like being hugged
Me says: (11:00:58 PM)i guess? about as much as the next person
Him says: (11:01:00 PM)I bet you do
Him says: (11:01:21 PM)is that a qualified yes ?
Me says: (11:01:27 PM)I guess so
Him says: (11:01:38 PM)don't hold back then :P
Me says: (11:01:53 PM)but we've just met! ;-)
Him says: (11:01:57 PM)sure
Him says: (11:02:06 PM)I was not asking abt me
Him says: (11:02:19 PM)I was asking about
Him says: (11:02:41 PM)how much yuo like to be hugged
Him says: (11:03:03 PM)yt ?
Me says: (11:03:21 PM)sorry.. i had to shut down one of the computers
Him says: (11:03:27 PM)ok
Him says: (11:03:32 PM)over to you
Me says: (11:03:45 PM)oh well. I like getting the occasional hug
Me says: (11:04:00 PM)I don't any more or less than the next person
Him says: (11:04:07 PM)wow
Him says: (11:04:10 PM)ok
Him says: (11:04:20 PM)we are not going to work then
Him says: (11:04:31 PM)I am into hugs
Him says: (11:04:42 PM)in a big way
So.. if he's soooo into hugging then wtf did he want to try to hook up with someone half way around the world? Did he really thing I would go over there just for hugging? Maybe it's just me. I don't know. Anyway, I'm off to bed now.
Him says: (11:00:43 PM)do you like being hugged
Me says: (11:00:58 PM)i guess? about as much as the next person
Him says: (11:01:00 PM)I bet you do
Him says: (11:01:21 PM)is that a qualified yes ?
Me says: (11:01:27 PM)I guess so
Him says: (11:01:38 PM)don't hold back then :P
Me says: (11:01:53 PM)but we've just met! ;-)
Him says: (11:01:57 PM)sure
Him says: (11:02:06 PM)I was not asking abt me
Him says: (11:02:19 PM)I was asking about
Him says: (11:02:41 PM)how much yuo like to be hugged
Him says: (11:03:03 PM)yt ?
Me says: (11:03:21 PM)sorry.. i had to shut down one of the computers
Him says: (11:03:27 PM)ok
Him says: (11:03:32 PM)over to you
Me says: (11:03:45 PM)oh well. I like getting the occasional hug
Me says: (11:04:00 PM)I don't any more or less than the next person
Him says: (11:04:07 PM)wow
Him says: (11:04:10 PM)ok
Him says: (11:04:20 PM)we are not going to work then
Him says: (11:04:31 PM)I am into hugs
Him says: (11:04:42 PM)in a big way
So.. if he's soooo into hugging then wtf did he want to try to hook up with someone half way around the world? Did he really thing I would go over there just for hugging? Maybe it's just me. I don't know. Anyway, I'm off to bed now.
Pearls Before Swine
Happy Independence Day, U.S.!
Okay, so as a gesture towards Indepedence Day, Dubya has decided to commute the sentence of "Scooter" Libby to about none. WTF? Paris gets forced to do her time and this guy who's committed nothing short of treason gets off just shy of a pardon?
The man in the Oval office has made a mockery of the American government and its people. And just who the heck is in charge over there? Anyway...
Today's Pearls Before Swine kinda hit home in some ways.
Okay, so as a gesture towards Indepedence Day, Dubya has decided to commute the sentence of "Scooter" Libby to about none. WTF? Paris gets forced to do her time and this guy who's committed nothing short of treason gets off just shy of a pardon?
The man in the Oval office has made a mockery of the American government and its people. And just who the heck is in charge over there? Anyway...
Today's Pearls Before Swine kinda hit home in some ways.

Monday, July 02, 2007
Slightly discombolutated
Something is off and I am not sure what it is. I've been feeling a little jittery the past week. I don't know if it's the coffee, the coffee with sugar, hormones, or all of the above. In any case, the throw more fuel to the fire, at my annual check up, my doc is a little concerned that my blood pressure is a bit on the high side. He wants to set me up with 24-hr BP monitoring. He also had me get an electrocardiogram done before I left. Oye! In any case, I need to call the clinic soon to set up the appointments.
Aside from that, I've noticed that my heart does seem to beat a bit more noticeably. It's hard to describe exactly. sometimes I wonder if I don't have some sort of mild anxiety. Anxiety from what? I don't know. Maybe subconsciously there's stuff going on in my head that's causing this.
Other than that, the weekend hasn't been too terrible. In fact, my weekend is not over yet! I have today off since yesterday was a holiday. But I've got stuff that I need to get done anyway. And I need to find a fscking red dress!!
Aside from that, I've noticed that my heart does seem to beat a bit more noticeably. It's hard to describe exactly. sometimes I wonder if I don't have some sort of mild anxiety. Anxiety from what? I don't know. Maybe subconsciously there's stuff going on in my head that's causing this.
Other than that, the weekend hasn't been too terrible. In fact, my weekend is not over yet! I have today off since yesterday was a holiday. But I've got stuff that I need to get done anyway. And I need to find a fscking red dress!!
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