Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Normally, I don't like to discuss politics. Discussions in this arena have a tendency of creating new enemies. However, I came across this in the news. Have things really gotten so out of hand that it's now "shoot first, ask questions later"? You be the judge.

95 yr. old Palestinian woman shot by IDF

Just how many more innocent lives will be lost in the name of religion?

Other things
It's still cold. It's bloody cold! And it's only early December! Yes, I will probably continue to whine about the cold weather. I just have to remember that when the temps hit 30+ in the summer that I should not complain! ;-)

Local Forecast

The Ferraris are back! It seems that the dealer may have just cleared the showroom out to do some cleaning up (ergo the big dumpster). Ahhhh! Something nice to look at. Although in this weather I doubt they will park many of them outside. :(

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