Wednesday, October 06, 2004


I have a cold. I don't like colds. It all started with some sniffling and sneezing yesterday that blossomed into sinus congestion by the end of the day. And today, I am totally congested and my head hurts. Plus, I think I'm running a mild fever.

Some people don't believe in it, but some think colds come about then the seasons start to change and the temps fluctuate like the Dickens! In a superstitious, I believe it, but I also think, more realistically, that colds are caught from others. Of course, one cannot go through life in a sterile room (think "Creep Show" segment with the roaches!).

Anyway, I'm on a training course most of this week. Had to cut out early because of this cold. Picked up some Neo-Citran on the way home. Hopefully that will knock me out for the evening. I think a good night's rest will help. Also, downing doses of Emergen-C couldn't hurt either! :)


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