The hike on Saturday was not bad. The weather was quite agreeable with the sun actually being out. For the most part, the group on this hike were all nice people. I had brought my camera with me, but I was not able to take as many pictures as I would have liked. It seemed that the group was constantly having to move. Whatever happened to "stop and smell the roses"? Despite the lack of leaves on the climb up the hill, just being in a wooded area was nice. Needless to say, combine fresh air and some sort of physical activity and I was pretty pooped when I got home.
What few pictures I did take, you can view them here.
On Sunday, I did the Hash. It was a bit more physical this week because we traipsed near Mount Royal. This meant there was a bit of hill climbing from time to time. It was a good workout anyway. It wasn't as sunny as Saturday, but at least it didn't rain! The hares for this Hash prepared both a vegetarian type of stew and a barley and lamb stew. They were both rather tasty. Since the theme was Tacky Tartan in honor of St. Andrew, there was some whiskey cake to be had. That was actually pretty good! After the hash, food and a couple of beers, I was pretty much done for the day. Oh, I also happened to get my Hash name. :-p And I won't say what it is!
Somehow, I was able to miraculously bake a batch of cookies last night as well. I guess the incentive was the fact that I had taken the butter out in the morning for it to soften. So I did end up making a btch of cookies as planned.
So I guess that was about as exciting as it got for my weekend.
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