Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day. I did my duty as a daughter and sent my mother a card. As well, I called her today to wish her happy Mother's Day.

Sometimes I feel a little bit disconnected from most people around me in that I live so far from my folks. Today, for example, I went to the supermarket to pick up a few things. They had on display a huge selection of floral bouquets for people to pick up on their way to visit Mom and/or Grandma. And there I am picking up a bag of kitty litter and some toiletries.

Elsewhere, it seems that on a weekend that should be filled with family gatherings and happiness, there are those who have to deal with recent personal tragedies and bad news. I guess you just don't realize it sometimes that while one is celebrating, there are others mourning. I suppose that is the way life goes. You can't be happy and sad at the same time. Or could you?

Meanwhile, I am trying to finish getting my stuff together for my trip. I still don't know what to expect when I get there until I get there. Usually, I overplan to the point that I know where I need to go to get somewhere or do something. This would especially be the case for some place new that I am going to. I've never been to Rome. I will be heading into the unknown!

I will be lighting a candle for all those going through a rough patch. I wish I could do more. Plus, I've always been terrible at expressing my feelings on such occasions. Sometimes I wish I could say more than the usual, but I can't. I just plain suck at it. :(

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