I thought this was just too damn sexy to pass up. I ordered it Friday. It hasn't shipped yet.
BP reading this AM: 117/78. Not bad. My morning readings have been pretty consistent so far. I keep forgetting to take my reading later in the day to see how that's going. I'll have to try to remember tonight after I get home.
Last night, I made a batch of black beans and rice. I cooked some salmon to go with it. I cut up some fruit for some fruit salad. I had bought some local blueberries, but I wasn't too impressed with them. I think tonight I need to eat some salad. I need more vegetable intake. :p
I nearly had a fit last night when I checked the price of an itinerary I had saved on Expedia. It gave me a price of just over $4000!! I was like, "WTF?!?!" When I first put this itinerary in (YUL-HKG-PVG-NRT-YUL) it quoted me about $1666. I ranted to my brother about it. Afterwards, I looked again and noticed that for some reason the departure date was November 18th. I thought I had saved it as November 17th. I changed it and updated the price for that itinerary. It came back as $1656. WHEW! But I think I will definitely need to look into purchasing this flight very soon before I get hit with that kind of whammy again! :-p
In the meantime, I need to start hunting for hotels in Hong Kong. Since I'm pretty sure I'll have some place to stay in Shanghai and Tokyo, I think I can afford to pay for my folks' room in HK. I just need to find something decent for under $100.
Bleh! :p
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