So a few minutes later, we make our way back to the runway. This time, the engines revved for a few seconds then died down. Uh-oh? Not really. I guess they wanted to test it out for a few seconds to make sure the power light didn't go off or something. Then we inched forward a little bit and then we actually did take off this time. Whew!
The rest of the flight was pretty uneventful. Customs at the other end was uneventful. Got my bag and made my way towards the exit and the taxi stand. On the way to the taxi stand, a man came up to me to ask if I wanted a taxi. Instantly knowing that this was probably an unlicensed hack trying to find a fare I immediately waved him off and sternly said "No!". When I got to the lineup for the taxis, I looked back and saw that he snagged himself a fare. Good luck buddy. Maybe I should report this to the airport. I don't think it's fare to the taxi drivers who take the time to get their airport permit and are licensed hacks.
Anyway... I came home to a "gift" from BS on the bed. :-p So guess what had to be laundered first. *sigh* So I had no choice but to make sure that the "facilities" were cleaned to his liking.
The next day, I'm back at work. That evening, I decided to be lazy and picked up a roast chicken at the supermarket on the way home. I gave BS his g/d as usual but he wasn't eating all of it. He'd have a few mouthfuls and that was it. When I took the chicken out, of course he wanted some of that! I gave him a couple of ounces of the stuff. He ate most of it. So that was Tuesday.
Wednesday evening, again, he wasn't eating everything. On top of that I noticed that he seemed to be straining in the litterbox. Uh oh. Was he constipated? Later in the evening, as I was trying to get to sleep, he would not settle down. Both he and Jum would usually jump into bed with me and settle in under the covers next to me. That evening however, BS was just absolutely restless. He'd get out from under the covers and pace around the bed. Eventually he made the motions as if he was getting ready to do a number. Nuh uh! Not on the bed! So I got his attention and drew him away from the bed.
By now it was about midnight. I was tired and I wanted to sleep. However, someone didn't want me to sleep because he would not settle down. Thinking that it might be the constipation, I called the emergency vet hospital to find out what I should do. Mistakingly thinking I said that he had problems urinating they suggested I bring him in to get checked out because if it were his kidneys then it could become fatal. Pee, poop, either way he was having issues. So I changed out of my PJs, managed to shove Mr. Blue into the carrier (he would not go in willingly) and away we went.
I think there was one other patient before us, so we waited a little before we saw the vet. The vet checked him out. She said we'd need to take some x-rays to see what's going on inside because she did not feel any hardened stool inside him. So it was back in the waiting area to wait while they zapped BS for x-rays. A little later they called me back in to show me his insides. She showed me where his lungs were, which were okay. Then the next blob, she said is his stomach. BUT, what's weird is that it's appearance seems to indicate that he has air in there as well as air in the intestines. She said that this is not normal. Uh oh. She suggested that he stay over night for fluids (because he was a bit dehydrated) and for blood tests to see what was going on. I figure, well, I've already brought him here, might as find out what's wrong with him.
The next day, I get a call from the vet tech saying that BS was stable and that the vet would call me later with more information. Whew! I guess that was good? Anyway, a couple hours later, the vet calls. She said that BS has chronic renal insufficiency that was complicated by acute uremea. Her prognosis was reserved at best. This did not sound very good at all! She suggested trying an IV fluid treatment for the next 48 hours. I think the only risk here is with the heart murmur he has. I figure, if there was a chance he can pull through and recover, I'd give it to him. So I okay'd the treatment. If anything came up before the next daily update they would call.
So that evening, I was a little jumpy whenever the phone rang. Twice it rang, but they were telemarketers. The third time it rang it was just Videotron toe confirm my move. The rest of the evening was quiet, which I guess was good. No news is good news?
The next day, just before lunch, the vet called sounding less somber than before. It seems that BS is responding very well to treatment. They started to feed him as well. They would do another set of tests later that night to see how he's progressed. Yay! But I guess we're not totally out of the woods yet!
Yesterday, I get the update that BS's numbers have improved a lot! His creatinine levels are still slightly elevated so they'd like to keep him one more night on the IV treatment. Okay.
Today, they called to say that he's well enough to go home but that he will require some meds for a little while. His diet will be restricted to low protein. He will need sub-q fluids every other day to help things along as well. I arranged to go pick him up between 12 and 1PM.
I went to get him. He seemed quite affectionate and talkative, as usual. The vet tech had with her a bag full of stuff for him. He's got 3 different medications he needs to take. There is a bag of fluid, giant syringe and needles for the sub-q fluid therapy. There was also a week's supply of low-protein foods, both medi-cal and k/d (so, whichever one he prefers). YOiks!
Of course he meows the entire way home. His homecoming was mildly received by Jum who was quite enjoying herself while BS was away. She was able to have my attention all to herself. However, she will be due at the vet soon for her teeth cleaning! Just you wait little missy!
In the meantime, I think BS is still trying to adjust to being back him. He's been wanting to be in high places since he got home. I don't know why is that. He was constantly cleaning himself for a while there. He was probably trying to get that vet smell off of him. I know he's been wanting to sleep but he just would not relax. I managed to give him his dose of metronidazole. He ate just about all his food. Then I gave him the clavamox. So far so good. Tomorrow morning, he will be getting all three (the third is fortekor).
Monday, after work, he will be getting some sub-q fluids. This ought to be fun. :-p
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