Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Trying to normalize

It's been approximately 3 weeks since I moved into the new digs. Adjustments have not been too difficult once some of the familiar things in life have been put into their places or have found their places in this home. As I might have mentioned, the cats seem to have adjusted to life here pretty well.

This evening I had my 3rd yoga class. It's going pretty well. I'd like to see how I can continue with yoga over the summer. The recreational center doesn't have any yoga classes over the summer but our instructor does have some classes scheduled at her own studio over the summer. I will have to take a closer look at her schedule to see how feasible it is. If not then I might check with my cardio instructor about her yoga classes and where/when they are.

As for my outdoor cardio classes, it's been going pretty well. I'm trying not to miss too many other classes since the week of the move. I still need to make up for 3 missed classes. I think I can do it. I did cardio last night and I think I will go again tomorrow evening. My goal is to be in better cardio shape than I was last year by the time I go in for my annual physical. I think I can do it.

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