Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tagged by Jess - Answering under duress

Six Quirks
(tagged by Jess)
  1. I have a tendency of changing the subject. Usually something totally unrelated to what was being discussed.
  2. My bed linens need to be in order. Even when I'm in bed!
  3. I don't move much at all when I sleep.
  4. I'm fairly neat and tidy when staying in a hotel room but my own room is very cluttered.
  5. Can fall asleep during any meeting.
  6. I think I can babble on and on about almost anything.
There! Happy now, Jess? ;-)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I <3 duress. :)

I do #1 too. My husband calls it "moving on." Wait, I think I mentioned that in the quirks. Wait a minute... is tendency to repeat oneself another quirk?

It's awesome you don't move while you sleep. I flail like I'm on fire and speak in tongues.