Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Dis 'n Dat

I've sort of taken my profile off of LL for now. I've essentially hidden it. I've also been pretty good about not login in to the sites from work. At times I find that it's almost addictive to login to these sites to see who's seen me or if there are any messages. Unfortunately, I think I might end up blowing off this one guy I had been exchanging some mails with. In any case, I think I still need to get my head on straight.

Well, that's pretty much it. I've come to the realization (again) that I really need to focus on other things.


I've been trying to ride to work most of this week. Unfortunately, if it does shower tomorrow I won't be riding to work. I guess I'll have to use the trainer instead. Friday's forecast doesn't look too bad, so I will probably try to ride then as well.

It's not a terribly long commute, but it's better than getting no exercise at all. :-)

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