This weekend was not bad. Saturday, I went out to see Snakes On a Plane with some friends. Afterwards, we grabbed a bite to eat at Les Trois Brasseurs.
The movie was okay, but I don't know if I would want to see it again. I guess I am just not a huge fan of most "horror" movies, if this was suppose to be one. However, Samuel L. Jackson really made the movie. I think he really saved the movie.
At the resto, I only had a pint of amber with dinner. However, I think I might have knocked it back a bit too fast for my system. I was a bit tipsy %-) Once I got home, I really wasn't feeling too good. I thought it might have been the beer. So I nearly zonked out immediately on the bed.
On Sunday, I woke up really not feeling too well. I thought it was allergies since it's ragweed season. So around 6AM I took a Benedryl Allergy tablet. That sucker knocked me out until around 10:30! :-p When I woke up, I figure it was about time I got up. I was feeling slightly better but not by much. I later called up "Organ Grinder" to let him know that I was going to go to the Hash. It was fun and I got to meet some nice people. :-) The weather was less than ideal, but we all had a grand ol time. I'll prob do another hash.
Today, I woke up with a hint of congestion. My throat was not much better. It seems to have hit that dry hacking cough phase. Most annoying. I had day 1 of a 2-day First Aid course at work. Throughout the class, I was sucking on Halls and drinking water to stave off the dry hacking cough. By the afternoon, the congestion was starting to rear its ugly head. I think I have a cold.
By the time I got home, the congestion was really going. After having some supper, I popped a Sudafed. I can't sleep when I'm congested. :-p
Well, it looks like i have to sink more money into my car. On Saturday, on the way back from Hudson that morning, my brakes gave me a scare. On the exit off the highway on the way home, I tried to brake but the brake pedal went all the way to the floor! I was like WTF? The car did manage to stop at the stop light. Whew! My heart was pounding a millions beats per second! From that point on, I just wanted to get home in one piece! :-o Which I did. This morning I called the garage about it. They found the part and I dropped my car off after work (I cautiously made the drive in this morning). Not sure just how bad the $$$ damage will be, but heck, ya needs brakes on a car!!
Well, there you have it: a somewhat exciting weekend. Now back to nursing my cold with some lemon-honey drink to chase down that Sudafed. ;-)
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