Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick or Treat!

Happy Hallowe'en! Or at least where it's celebrated. In the paper today, President Chavez in Venezuela was trying to convince citizens to not celebrate this gringa. To some degree I agree with him, but then again, if people have bought into it, what can you do?

As most people probably know Hallowe'en has its origins in Europe. For more information, check it out on Wikipedia.

In other news, nothing came up with my application to the other office. Oh well. We'll see if something comes up later on. It seems that (according to my contacts) that there might be something big coming down the pike where they will need more people. Patience.

This winter I would like to go somewhere warm and sunny to relax and de-compress. The problem is, I haven't a clue where to go. I know that I would like to avoid the usual destinations that the folks around these parts usually go to (Cuba, Dominican, Mexico). However, some of the other islands are rather pricey. :-p

Next week I am suppose to head off to Brazil. For four weeks. Of course, this is all for work. If it weren't, I wouldn't be complaining about want to go somewhere to decompress! ;-)


Another Monday to endure...