Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hopeless Romantic? Me?

Sometimes I wonder just how much of a hopeless romantic I am. With the recent events, I sometimes find myself thinking about different scenarios that will probably never happen. Perhaps I've watched too many "chick flicks" to think that life will reach some happy ending after a series of bad events. I guess I am just deluding myself into thinking that happy endings happen in real life as they do in movies.

I suppose I really should start focusing on myself now. What choice do I have? I either wallow in self-pity or I take a deep breath and march forward. Being that I am not much one for the former, I am following the latter. It's counter-productive to just mope.

Some people say that things happen for a reason. It may not be faith or serebdipity, but things happen. I had decided last fall to sign up for courses at the ContEd of one of the universities here. I figured that I should brush up on more marketable skills. You just never know what's going to happen, so I might as well prepare. I've taken 5 courses so far and have gotten pretty good grades. Now that I am in my current situation, a friend of mine pointed out the coincidence of my taking courses along with the prospects in Japan. Who knows. :-)

I think for now, I will take each day as it comes. I will try to get out more with friends on weekends, whether it be just for a movie or a bike ride. If I get to meet other people, all the better.

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