Saturday, July 29, 2006

More Bike Stuff

So I went to MEC again today to get a few more things: inexpensive bike stand, chain cleaner, cleaning fluid, chain brush thingy, tenacious oil, and a t-shirt. I think the dude in the bike department will start to recognize me if I keep this up.

I managed to put the bike stand together. It was missing some washers which I had some extras of. The bike seems to be fairly stable for what I want to do. While I was setting things up, I figure I'd start cleaning the bike. I managed to take the rear wheel off. I started to clean the cogs. Holy crap is it ever filthy!! :-p

I tried to use the chain cleaner with the wheel off. It didn't work so well. I managed to put the rear wheel back on. Chain cleaner works much better. I tried to lock the brakes back into place. What a b*tch and a half!! It took me a while before I managed to clip the brakes back into place.

In the end, the bike is still filthy. There's thing of degreaser lying around. I will probably use that. Bro suggested getting those disposable latex gloves. Saves time on the clean up afterwards. I guess this cleaning project will have to continue tomorrow.

In the meantime, I ordered a copy of Zinn & the Art of Mountain Bike Maintenance from I should get it in a few days. This should complement the Road Bike Maintenance book I got a little while ago.

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