Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Maybe I'm not ready for the market...

My brother is probably right. I should start doing my own thing first. I gotta be my own person for a while first before I start thinking about finding Mr. Right to share my life with.

Me: know what? you're right.. I'm not ready for the whole dating thing again
Bro: yea.. havesom fun
Bro: indie lifestyle for awhile..
Me: yeah
Bro: only agenda is yours.. its ez

I don't know what guys want since I was last on these sites. And to be honest, I think most of the good ones have been taken by now. :-p It's a little depressing to be this age and to see what's still left out there. At least at the online dating sites. What's with some guys taking shots of themselves shirtless? Is that really suppose to impress the women? I'm sorry, but it just doesn't do anything for me. I think what does it for me is a more natural pose with a genuine smile. :-)

Anyways, even if I were ready to date again, the place is currently in flux. He still needs to sort and pack his stuff. Then get a truck to haul it all away...

In the meantime, I think I will be planning a vacation to Japan in the Fall. I've got a place to crash at (thanks, W!). Now, I just need to find cheap tickets!! ;-)

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