Monday, October 11, 2004

A few things...

Caught a cold at some point last week. Took Thursday and Friday off from work. For treating the cold, I basically had at least 2 packets of emergenC each day. I also made a couple of honey/lemon drinks. I took 120hr Sudafed for a few days. Of course, I also went through ALOT of Kleenex. The cold eventually moved from my nose down to my throat. On Friday, I had almost no voice. By Saturday, things started to improve. Yesterday, it was just some congestion and slightly phlegmy cough.

I think the large doses of vitamin C during the early stages of the cold help it move along more quickly. The sudafed was more to help alleviate the symptoms (and breathe more easily when I sleep!).

Anyway... Today is Canadian Thanksgiving. Got today off. We had the turkey yesterday. Apparently it came out quite tasty (although the underside was slightly undercooked). I seasoned the bird with thyme butter. Slathered that stuff between the skin and the flesh of the breast area. Slathered more of it around the outside surface of the turkey too. Whatever was left was used to baste the turkey. Stuffed the cavity of the turkey (after a little S&P) with slices of 2 lemons. The bird was just under 5Kg so it was in the oven for about 3 hrs. I guess we could have left it in there a bit longer. Unfortunately, due to my congested state, I couldn't taste much. Oh well....

*gobble* *gobble*

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