Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Almost Mid-week Update

I went to California.
I tasted some wine.
I bought some wine.
I was in Sonoma County.
I visited San Francisco.
I saw Matthew Good perform at the Cafe du Nord (see previous post).
I flew back to Montreal.
I flew in first class from San Francisco to Chicago.
I was stuck in the back of the plane from Chicago to Montreal.
I was on a training course last week.
I was almost put to sleep all last week.
Some days, the instructors did not let us go until after 5PM.
They didn't let us go until almost 6:30PM on Thursday.
Friday was the St-Paddy's Day pub crawl.
I had four half-pints the entire evening.
I got home late.
I slept in Saturday.
I did not do much Saturday, except fret over Matthew Good's health with a few other people.
Matthew Good posted about how he was doing.
We were mostly relieved.
I caught up on some stuff around the house Sunday.
I WoW'd somewhere amidst all of this.
I had my review Monday.
I wasn't entirely happy with the outcome, but there's a bit of a story behind it.
Logically, it made sense.
The course of action was reasonable and was accepted.
Today is Tuesday.
I had a glass of French pinot noir with shish taouk takeout.

Tomorrow will be Wednesday.

I lead such an exciting life.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I did not hear the review thing. I will have to hear this. Gah!