Friday, January 03, 2003

Christmas is Over!!!!
Thank goodness! Not that I don't like Christmas, but who really needs all the stress that comes with this particular holiday? There's the shopping, the cooking, the baking, the planning. Then there's the travelling (when applicable). Whether it's by car, train or plain, no one really likes to travel during the holidays. This year was no exception.

On the Road again
This year, the Christmas destination was Ontario. It's about a 7 hour drive along the not-so-scenic Highway 401. Very long. Very boring. Check out the highway on Mapquest and you'll see just how straight and boring it is. Nothing but fields. The road is relatively straight, so it's easy to get bored and nod off (not a good thing). It's not bad as long as you have someone with you (to share the boring drive) and some music.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...
We lucked out this year in that the Niagara region was hit with a small snow storm early Christmas morning. We were fortunate that the drive in was clear and sunny. When we woke up Christmas morning, we saw nothing but white outside. It really makes it seem like that long 7 hour drive was worth it! It was still snowing a bit when we got up.

Land of Mau's
Ever seen an Egyptian Mau? Cute kitties. Really cute and cuddly if they have been properly socialized. They just want to cling to you!

New Year's Resolutions
None. Why make them if you can't keep them? ;-)

C'est tout pour maintenant!

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