Sunday, May 11, 2008


Well, the other day I came home to discover that ants have infiltrated the home. They were finding their way in via the patio door. After dispatching the ones I could see with the vacuum, I googled to see what home ant repellents can be had. There was ground cinnamon. I have ground cinnamon. So I sprinkled some of that all along the track of the patio door and sprinkled cinnamon where ever they might be able to get through. I wanted a barrier to stop these pests! Then later I squirted a little bit of dish detergent. It had orange extract which is suppose to be a repellent of sorts for ants. Whatever works!

I eventually got some stuff with diatomaceous earth. This is a "safer" and chemical-free way to dispatch these things.

This morning, I went over to the nearby nursery to look for plants. This season, I figure I'd use the planters an place them around the patio/deck. I picked up a few perennials to plant in the front of the house.

Later this afternoon, I weeded the front yard a bit. I mowed the grass there. I cultivated the earth around the plants that were coming up. It looks like there's at least 3 hostas in the front. There's a dark purple plant as well. I saw this one at the nursery, but I don't remember what it was called.

I think I did alright today.

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