Monday, February 18, 2008

Sniffle, Sniffle, Cough, Cough

I do feel a bit better today actually. Well enough that I made it into work today. Not that I really have a whole lot to do at the moment. It's been rather slow lately.

I hate having colds because it makes be all gross and icky. My nose gets all congested and snotty. I blow my nose so much that it's all red and irritated. I hate this about colds.

I guess I will pick up some groceries tonight after work. I might pick up a rotisserie chicken while I'm at the supermarket. I don't quite have the energy to really do much cooking. I'll probably have the chicken with some soup. That should be good.

Yeah, I know. It's a pretty boring blog entry. I know I'm usually brimming with excitement. :-p

In just over 2 weeks from now I will be flying to San Francisco. I'm going to meet up with my friend J. Not sure how much trouble 2 girls can get into in SF, but I guess we'll soon find out. While I'm out there, I'm also going to catch Matthew Good there. J got tickets for his show at Cafe du Nord. It should be good. :-)

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