Monday, October 30, 2006

I can breathe again!

Okay, so I took my brother's suggestion and got some Afrin. Once I got home I gave it a few squirts. A few minutes later, I was able to breathe again! Woohoo!!!

I also re-stocked on some Sudafed and Halls. I am still taking the Cold FX and emergen-C. I think I'm pretty well doped up to fight off this cold. I hate taking cough syrup because it seems that I have this mild reaction to whatever it is they put into cough syrup. It's something I finally figured out when I was a teenager.

I left work early because I just could not concentrate with the congestion. Plus, I figure I could use some extra rest to get this cold to go away soon. So after stopping by the pharmacy for the goods, I got home, got a bite to eat, then lounged/dozed a bit on the chair. I don't think I really napped for too long. On top of that, I was also trying to read my TCP/IP Protocol book. I think I managed to get through a few pages. :-D

Anyway, I'm just sort of relaxing this evening. I should probably try to read some more, but I know I should try to hit the hay earlier tonight. I've got a phone interview tomorrow evening, so I should try to get some rest tonight. I hope the cough goes away somewhat.

In the meantime, I am just listening to some random tracks from my iTunes... Currently playing, Goodbye Girl by Squeeze. :-)

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