Monday, August 04, 2008


You know you're tired when you pack some fruit and yogurt into a bag and forget to bring with you to work. :p

No. I did not party all weekend. I didn't get pissed drunk Friday night even though my friends tried their best to get me totally trashed. At best, I had a bit of a headache and just wanted to lie down and sleep. I think that if I had finished that last pint of lime and lager I'd be one with the porcelain throne. I kinda know my limits. And if I feel I just can't drink anymore, then that's it. Otherwise, I had a nice time with some good friends celebrating my birthday. :)

Saturday, I had to go get my car which I left parked at work Friday. I then went to MEC where I missed a passing thunderstorm and torrential downpour. I think the rain washed my car some. I bought a few things then headed home. I was going to head over to Melissa's because we wanted to shop for a few things. But she was pretty tired and wanted to take it easy. I was pretty tired too and agreed we'd get together Sunday. I did, however, go over to my manageer's place for dinner. His wife had called earlier in the day to invite me over.

Sunday was alright. My ex's mom came over to pick up some mail her Mum sent. We chatted a bit. We hope to do some digging in the backyard in the early fall to plant some hostas that she got. It'd be nice to have something out back other than just grass. Afterwards, I managed to get a load of wash done before heading over to Melissa's. We walked over to LL Lozeau to shop for a replacement DSLR. In the process, she got herself a Canon 40D. I also picked up a new, bright red suitcase. I needed one that was slightly bigger than what I had for these trips I've been making. Afterwards, we went over to my place to have dinner and play with our cameras. It's nice to have a DSLR in my hands again. It's strange, but I like handling that kind of camera.

Today, I am a bit knackered. For some reason, I woke up a little after 3AM and had a hard time falling back asleep. I ended up feeding BS around 4 and tried to get back to sleep. I think I managed to sleep for another hour or so. I will need to pick up a few things after work and maybe call it an early night tonight.

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