Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I still don't know why I'm doing this to myself. I am letting myself get distracted most evenings and staying up until around midnight. I still have my alarm set for 5AM. Right now, I feel very exhausted. I also have a lot of stuff I need to get done this week at work. I think coffee will be my close friend.

I'm tired enough that if I am not doing something I am readily able to just close my eyes and sleep. If I didn't force myself to stay awake and do something I probably would fall sleep right there at my desk. I've really got to go to bed earlier. :p Tonight, 10:00PM, I will go to bed. If I don't, will someone trout me?

Anyway, that aside, there have been asome interesting reading coming from Matthew Good. First off, anyone who is a fan of his music and/or has been a frequent visitor of his web site for at least the past year would probably already be familiar with his condition. This week, in light of a documentary hosted by Stephen Fry, Matthew Good has decided to put into his own words his experience with bipolarity. It's some pretty heavy stuff. It's also quite personal and real. I think it took a lot of strength and courage to come out into the open with this. However, a great number of people really appreciate his sharing of his experiences. From my side, I found it very informational as I do not really know of anyone close to me who suffers from this or any other similar mental illness.

So I salute you, Matthew Good. So many people admire you for your music, your opinion and your honesty. I think they will admire you more now for the strength and courage you have shown in opening yourself to us. I think you've become a greater hero for many. Stay real.

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