Monday, April 30, 2007

Still being bad about sleep

I don't know why I let myself stay up late even though I know that will be awoken by my alarm at 5AM. Yet I continue to do this. So is it any wonder that I am so very tired today? I am struggling to stay awake at my desk. I am trying hard to keep myself occupied so that my head does not go "thunk" on the desk. I'm just torturing myself here. I really need to exercise some self-discipline and go to bed earlier. Of course, I keep saying that and it never happens. But tonight, I must.

In the meantime, the weekend was rather lackluster. I went to one of these meetup group thingies Saturday evening. The people there were nice enough. We shot a little pool. I'm not 100% sure if it's my thing, but I'll see if I can attend a few more of these functions before passing judgement. Maybe I'm like my bro at times: a bit of a loner. I guess I kinda like doing my own thing. Or if I do do something social it's more with people I already know. Friday evening, I went out with a few of the guys from work to a pub. We spent a few hours having a couple of pints and some munchies. It was all good fun. That sort of thing I like. At least you know how far the conversation can go.

Sunday was really "blah". Maybe because of the weather but I really did not feel like I had the energy to do much. So I passed on the Hash yesterday. Instead, I did some grocery shopping and went to MEC to look for some stuff. I think I spent about $160 on pants, socks and a few other things. Geez, it just added up!

Tonight, after I hope to finally manage to give the cat her antibiotic, I need to hunker down and read up some more on Italy. It's only 2 weeks away!! I haven't really tried to learn much Italian either. Oh I seem so discombobulated! How did I let myself get this way? Sometimes I wish I had all the answer, but you know how it is. You have to keep looking for them. In the meantime, I'll just continue to trudge on.

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