Monday, August 07, 2006

Come to Mama!!

Oh yeah!

Okay, the geek inside is a little excited over this one. However, not to the point where I'm ready to plunk down that kind of coin for one! I do have some sanity left in me! Nevertheless, I am going to keep an eye out on user reviews of this new beast.

If it comes to fruition, I might decide to get it just to replace the 2 machines I currently have as desktop machines. I will keep the iBook for now. I think ultimately, I will want to replace the desktops with the one machine and maybe upgrade the iBook to either a MacBook or MacBook Pro. That's a lot of coin there, so I will have to really think about this.

In other things... Is classy casual akin to business casual? Since I am not exactly one for fashion (I have not bought or perused any fashion mag in YEARS). As a result, I haven't a clue. In any case, I think I will need to do some shopping in the near future. Apparently, fall fashions are hitting the stores.. Eeeek! Goes to show you how often I go shopping!

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