Friday, August 11, 2006

Friday Night

It's Friday night. I'm home. I'm watching a DVD. What are you doing?

It's interesting to note the number of men, both attractive and not so, who are logged into sites like LavaLife at this hour. If they're so hot, why are they not out? Another interesting observation I've made is the number of men logged in on Monday and Tuesday nights. There seems to be over 250 of them logged on on those evenings.

Just an observation...

I guess I'm a bit of a flake at times. One moment, I think I know what I want. The next, I haven't a clue what to do. I guess that goes with the territory. In any case, as I have already mentioned before in previous posts, I really need to focus on things and understand what's important.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

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