Saturday, February 24, 2007

A Working Saturday :-p

First, I stayed a bit late at work last night. When I got home it was nearly 9PM. I was tired and a bit fed up. I was trying to upgrade a node, but kept encountering some problems (which were not major, but still..). I nuked some leftovers and had a Harp. I don't usually drink alone, but I felt I needed it. Of course, it took me an hour to drink it.

Today, I am still continuing some work. The upgrade worked this time after I deleted a few files (space issue). But the traffic being generated was having some issues. Something was not stable and I just could not figure out what the problem was. In any case, I just left it as it was.

Now I am trying to execute a few commands on a customer dump but I can't because the commands are restricted. Gee, what else will go wrong? I don't think I want to know the answer to that.

Aside from all this work crap, I did find the courage to zip off a quick email to him. It was a very brief one-liner, but it was to the point: Wanna catch a flick? To which he responded positively. How about Monday? Okay! So, does this constitute a date?

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