Saturday, June 02, 2007

Back to our regularly scheduled programming

Well, I am back home again after nearly 3 weeks in Italy. Was it good? Yes. Would I go back to Italy? Very likely. What would I miss? The food!

So, what have I done since I got back? Not a helluva whole lot really. I tried to sleep in a bit, but got up early enough to hit the supermarket for some things before the usual Saturday shoppers showed up. Laundered my stuff from the trip. Read the Saturday paper at some point. Tried to get caught up with my Net browsing and emails. I still haven't checked my other gmail account and am afraid to.

Tomorrow I think I will head over to the nearby nursery to look for some plants for the deck. I'm not entirely sure if I want to or need to replace some of the planters, but the ones I currently have are starting to get a bit weather-worn. I'll see when I get to the nursery. They open at 9, so I'll probably head over there early.

Aside from that, nothing major really. It's been a rather quite day that seemed to pass by slowly...

Another day of rest before I go back to work... :p

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