Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Strange Package

Okay, so it's day seven. For the most part I feel alright, but I seem to be extra drowsy this week. It might be due to something that regularly occurs. Ok, nuff said on that subject.

I had a very unproductive day today because I brought my laptop in to the help desk to get the HD changed. The original one kept telling me that failure was imminent. Right.

Recently, I placed an order with Amazon UK for the DVD box set of Ghost In The Shell 2nd Gig. It seems the box set was only available there. I couldn't find it other than as individual DVDs at either Amazon US or Canada. Anyway.. So I opened the package. The box set was there along with the invoice. However, along with the DVDs was this:

Really, really strange. I could feel that there was something inside the package. I didn't want to open it, so I held it up against the light.

I'm not sure if you can make it out in the picture, but it seems that there is a cross in the little packet. How odd! In any case, I think what I will do with it is to slap some local postage on it and send it off. Let the mystery remain. Someone suggested that maybe I stick it in another envelope and send it off with a note. I think I'd rather stay as anonymous as the person who stuck this in my package.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a kind-hearted stranger, that's fo'sho. I wonder if the lazy Amazon.uk employee does this often. :)