Friday, October 26, 2007


It's finally Friday. I've been pretty tired all week from staying up later than I should most evenings. Of course there were a few nights there when there was a Sox game on to watch. :D

Here's a little ditty I found on the Boston Dirt Dogs site:
Oh, the Places Tulowitzki and Torrealba Won't Go!

With apologies to Dr. Seuss...

Sox on Fox Rox on Fox
Sox on Fox
Rox vs. Sox on Fox
Sox vs. Rox on Fox
Sox vs. Rox in Coors Bandbox

Sox have Jocks
Rox have Jocks
Jocks in Field or Batter's Box
Jocks with Money Box of Stocks
Papi strong as Wild Ox

Fox ex-Jocks sit in Press Box
Listen to Tim McCarver's Vox!
The insanity he Talks and Squawks
Joe Buck oughtta clean his Clocks

Rox beat Sox
Sox beat Rox

No one claims the games are Locks
And on some wood a Nation Knocks
But if the Rox Outfox the Sox
Or Gagne Walks or Beckett Balks
It surely would cause Mocks and Shocks
Requiring Whiskey on the Rocks

... and then, as Manny says, there will always be next year ... -- Mark Stebbins, 10.24.07

Meanwhile, I got my copy of Leopard delivered today. I can't wait to get home to install it. I hope it goes smoothly! And on the subject of Leopard:

Meanwhile, I have a lot I need to and would like to get done this weekend. We were given our 2nd Flash assignment. This time there will be some animation involved. I also have an idea for the final project. I emailed the instructor to get his feedback on the subject.

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