Monday, October 01, 2007


I'm not a big believer of things such as Tarot readings, fortune telling, horoscopes and the like. However, I do read them for fun. Over the weekend, I used the Tarot Widget to do a reading. What came up was rather interesting. I think the card that was of most interest was the Hermit card. In the reading that was done, the interpretation was as such (according to my friend):

"It's a crossroads, time of decision and renewal. Sexually, you will probably experience a partnerless period, which you have the power to enjoy and profit from if you stay open to your body and its energies. Learn what you like and how you like to be loved and you will eventually know exactly what you want in a relationship. you will come to it whole, instead of needy; energized, instead of drained."

I found this rather interesting. I think to some extent I was already on this path. So I guess I'll just continue as I am doing my cardio workouts, taking the Flash course, doing things with friends etc. And eventually, if someone does come along, well then, I guess I'll just have to take it from there. :-)

It's all good.

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