Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fresh Air and Sunshine

It's been a somewhat busy weekend.

Saturday, I went to my outdoor cardio class. I tried very hard not to overdo it. I didn't need to have my heart rate up too high. After getting home and relaxing a bit, I went out to the Botanical gardens to shoot some pictures and to check out the annual Chinese Lantern display there. We decided to get there a little bit early as I had heard it will probably get pretty busy and crowded as it got dark.
Red Fall Foliage on Pear Tree
Droplets on Lotus Seed Pod
Lotus Seed Pods in the Sun
Chinese Peonies
Acrobat Lantern

Today was a Hash day. I was not entirely sure if I wanted to go or not. In the end I did go. More fresh air and exercise. I think I did alright. I have a slight headache right now, but that might be due to other things or a combination of things. If it doesn't go away before I go to bed I might take some Tylenol for it.

In general, I think I had a pretty good weekend. This coming week I have the David Usher concert to look forward to.

1 comment:

Phaedra said...

sounds like a good weekend...and very nice pictures to boot.