Thursday, March 08, 2007

This River Called Life

(Thanks, dman!)

Yes, it seems that lately I have been somewhat philosophical about things. So, as a result this analogy was formed. I'm sure it's not totally original, but this is just my take on it. And no, I have not read anything else along these lines. So it's all original from me...

I see myself floating along this river called Life. It's not really a terribly large boat that I float about in. It's large enough for myself and whoever happens to climb aboard.

As I float down this river, I occasionally pass close to certain shores. These places almost always had something to offer. Some good, some not so good. I avail myself to what these landings have to offer. The shoreleave might be brief, or they might last for some time. Eventually, I continue down the river.

Occasionally, someone will come along for the ride in my little boat. The ride with me varies. Some stay for a while. Some for not very long. Sometimes the ride gets a little bumpy on board!

For now, I am along on this boat. Sometimes I see someone waving from the shore. But I can't really tell sometimes.

Ahoy there!

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