Thursday, August 30, 2007

Week 35, Thursday

The CIM has been down for a while now. I miss chatting with some of the folks. Not everyone can use MSN or other chat programs when they're at work. So in a way, the CIM was a way around it. Oh well. Maybe later today.

Meanwhile, I had my follow-up appointment with the doc on Tuesday. All the test results came back with good. The only thing that is an issue is the blood pressure. I guess I just need to focus on trimming down and get into better shape to try to get this under control and off the meds. I have another appointment in December to follow-up on this.

I've really got to get my butt in gear and fill out the passport renewal form. At least, I did get my photos done on Friday. I will aim to get my renewal submitted by end of next week. I really hope the turn around is quick. :p I still need to get a Visa for China! Ack!

Bro and I need to check out hotels in Hong Kong. He found one that seems reasonable. I guess when the folks are up here this weekend we can discuss it and maybe, hopefully, book something. They still haven't gotten the plane tickets yet, and neither have I. I try to keep an eye on the price of the itinerary I've put together. I need to make sure that it doesn't fluctuate too much between now and when I do get around to buying it.

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