Thursday, September 27, 2007


Once in a while when I feel like my mind has unmuddled itself, I get a glimpse of myself in a different light. To some extent, writing much of what goes on in my head and heart here is my way if figuring out how I work. I also get to see what some of my usual patterns of behavior are. Perhaps I am over-analyzing myself at time, but I think I would end up knowing more about myself.

I remember saying to myself and others that I always have a hard time describing myself. This may be due to the fact that I don't really observe myself as I would another person. The third-person viewpoint, if you will. However, using this medium, I see the blog as the "third-person" to some degree. I write down what I've done, how I feel and what I'm thinking. Afterwards, I read what I have written. Sometimes I realize that it's not the first time I behave in a certain way or felt in a certain way.

I was discussing with M the other day how we are all creatures of habit. Whether we want to admit it or not, I think this is for the majority true. No matter how unpredictable you think you might be, there is something about you that is done habitually. I suppose doing some things out of habit is out of comfort. For other things, it's only because that is what you are most familiar with.

Anyway, enough psychological musings at such an early hour of the day.

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