Thursday, September 06, 2007

Week 36, Thursday

Alright, I think I managed to survive the whole food blessing incident on Monday. I haven't been converted or recruited into some New Age/spiritual stuff involving hallucinogenic supplements, natural/organic foods and copious amounts of pizza. Nope, I don't think that's the life for me.

Anyway, I was perusing the paper this morning when I came to the entertainment section and the gossip column in there. It seems that Halle Berry is 3 months pregnant. The father is some 32 year old hunk. He's NINE YEARS her JUNIOR!! How do celebrities get away with this? How can us dull normals keep up with this trend? There's Demi and her boy toy. Now Halle and whatever-his-name-is. Okay, I don't quite have Halle's physique, but then again, if I had the bucks and the time for a personal trainer, maybe I could. I have a full-time job to juggle, ya know!

Aside from that, not much else is happening really. Get up, go to work, come home, repeat. Last night, I did go to the Stitch & Bitch. We made these hats to be worn at the 600th Hash. I will have to remember to bring my camera to the Hash. :)

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