Thursday, July 13, 2006

Filling in the spaces

Well, most of his stuff has been moved out and into my garage to be moved at a later date. Now I have regained some space. It's incredible how in a span of four years how much STUFF is accumulated.

First things first. I need to clean up a bit. Lots of dust bunnies have revealed themselves. I will need to acquire some additional pieces of furniture, namely a couple of small bookcases. I might need to find a small chest to use for storing linens and things. I have been perusing the IKEA catalogue and website for ideas. IKEA is good if you don't want to spend too much for something that will last at least a few years. Most of the stuff I have is IKEA. They've held up pretty well.

Purging... I think in the process I will need to do some purging of stuff. I tend to be a packrat. I have a hard time throwing things out. This is very much the case for clothing. Some articles of clothing are still in perfectly good shape, but I just haven't worn them in ages. There are bins where you can drop off clothing to be recycled. I will probably do that.

Currently listening to: The Offspring

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