Friday, July 28, 2006

Running on adrenaline

It's been more than 4 weeks since I had a good solid night's sleep. I think I have been averaging about 5 hours of sleep each night. This is not good. I'm sure at some point I will just come to a screeching halt. Crash and burn. I think in an attempt to avoid this I will take it easy this weekend. Probably sleep in as much as possible. Take the occasional nap when it's needed. Then, hopefully by Monday, I will feel a bit more energized.

With the lack of sleep, I really think it's the adrenaline kicking in when I ride to work. This week, my times were better than before. I think I shaved off nearly 2 minutes on my time. That's pretty good, I think.

Date tonight. What to wear? Hmm, nothing too frilly. I think I will just keep it simple. Neat and tidy. A hint of fragrance? Now that there is no smoking in pubs and bars, one might actually smell the fragrance of something other than cigarettes! In any case, I hope my date doesn't expect me to put out on the first date! ;-)

Right now, this particular period in my life is reminiscent of the time just before I left Boston and ran off to Chicago. There was a sense of being carefree with a hint of rebellion. I had no real job at the time, I was single and I didn't have a real plan. The difference this time is that I do have a job. If I run off anywhere this time, it will be as a more mature adult with some semblance of a plan. :-)

Let's see what the future holds...

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