Friday, January 05, 2007

C'est le weekend, tabarnac! ;-)

Yay! First work week of the year DONE with!

I wish I could say that this week has been exciting, but I can't. Why? Because it just wasn't that exciting. I guess the only high point to the week was when I went out for sushi with some friends. That was the high point. And no, since I did not go out for New Year's Eve, that was not a high point.

What's on tap for the weekend? Well, I'm not really sure, but I think I will be going to LensCrafters tomorrow with a friend who wants to take advantage of my CAA membership and get a discount on glasses. I also need to look for a new pair as well. I just had my eyes examined just before Christmas. At least I'll get something out of it. Other than that, there were plans to go catch a movie in the afternoon with a meetup group. But that might get canned if I am just not in the mood to socialize. That and the fact I hadn't gotten confirmation back from another friend who expressed an interest in going as well.

If the movie is canned, then I might just work on installing Windows on my Mac Pro. I downloaded Bootcamp last night. I just acquired XP. Cross your fingers, boys and girls! This could be a bumpy ride! I am such a f*cking geek sometimes. Anyways, whatcha gonna do?

Aside from that, not much else that's terribly exciting.

General mood: "Eh"

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