Sunday, January 14, 2007

Late evening thoughts

Not that there's a whole lot of them...

So I decided to delete a couple of profiles from a few of the dating sites. I was just getting fed up and I really did not want to throw money at these sites just so I can obtain more info. Nope. Not going to have any more of that.

What next? I don't know. I'll just go with the flow and see what happens.

There's a reference made about people sometimes. It's the one where people are sometimes referred to as damaged goods. Just what does that mean exactly? When it comes to relationships and stuff, it seems that when one half is dumped, then that person is referred to as damaged goods. Or am I getting this totally wrong? In any case, I would think that it makes some people feel like castoffs. Well, sometimes castoffs still have some redeeming value. It's all a question of someone finding that castoff. Maybe another person will not see the other as a castoff. Anyway, that was a stray thought that just ran through my mind.

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