Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Generation X

It's funny. I was just having a conversation with a couple of friends on MSN. It seems that number of us in their 30's are feeling a bit "lost". One of my friends stated the he needed to find himself. As a result, he may be taking an assignment that would have him working on the other side of the globe.

I guess I saw it with my brother earlier on when he got laid off from his job and had a hard time deciding what to do next. For some reason, many of us in their 30's seem a bit disillusioned and lost as far as what to do with their lives. Why is that?

Then I remembered the book that Douglas Coupland wrote entitled Generation X. The lowdown on Gen-X can be found in Wikipedia. I first read it some time ago. I think it might be interesting to read it now. It might give a different impression as my friend mentioned.

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