Thursday, January 25, 2007

Cost of Death

It cost $85.46 to send a cherished friend away. $85.46 was all it took to send him down that path. The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. It took $85.46 to put Finster to sleep.

Yesterday morning was very hard for me. I don't think I've ever felt this way before. It's amazing and incredible just how emotionally attached one can become to a long time pet. I suppose after 15 years it's to be expected.

I find difficult right now to find much more to say. For those who have or have had pets, I'm sure you understand everything that has happened. If you haven't experienced it yet, I wish you much strength in getting through this eventuality.

I'll probably still get a little choked up every now and then. But for the most part I think I'm doing better now than I did 24 hours ago. I think work and last night's photography class helped to distract me and focus on other things.

I did manage to sleep through the night, although I didn't really go to sleep until half past midnight. I should try to go to sleep earlier tonight. I'm still a bit tired, but even 4.5 hrs of straight sleep is better than the restless night I had.

Now a new era begins without Finster. I still have some insulin and needles. I could see if there's any pet owners who could use them...

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