Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Yes. We have our first official winter deep-freeze of the season. I believe that last night the windchill got down to about -33C. That's pretty darn cold. :-p

I only had one class last night as the other was cancelled. I think the instructor might have been sick or something. In any case, it was a welcome respite as I have not been sleeping very well the past week. I hope I'm not coming down with something because I have a slight headache at the moment. Sometimes this is a precursor to the dreaded cold. I did take some emergen-C tonight. I had some this morning as well. I really would not be surprised if I had caught some bug while riding the metro last night.

Otherwise, things have been about the same. I'm still fed up with the dating sites, so I have not been frequenting them much these days. I might login to one just to look around, but I'm usually out of there in a few minutes. It just seems like it's such a huge waste of time.

I've really got to hunker down and start reading for the classes I'm taking. At least try to be ready for the first assignments. I should call it an early evening tonight and maybe organize my notes and shite...

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