Monday, January 08, 2007

Monday, Monday

Yes, folks! It's that time of the week again. It's that day that most of us dread when we wake up in the morning. Why? Why must we drag ourselves out of the cozy comforts of sleep for this?

I dunno.

I guess most of us have some sort of job that we must go to. Most of us have bills that will need to be paid. Most of us would like to have some food on the table too. Geez, that's a lot of stuff that needs to paid for! I guess that's life.

For the most part, the weekend had been okay. I ended spending some money on new glasses (will only get them either at the end of the week or next Monday). I ordered a new lens to go with the D80.

The Hash yesterday was pretty good. The walking trail was pretty lengthy. It was a good solid hour of walking. The weather wasn't bad as it was nice and sunny.

There's a few things going through my mind, but I don't think I will mention them here. They're not bad things, but you never know who reads this blog. :-) Sure, there's the stats counter, but by then it's too late, right? Anyway, the innocent will remain innocent.

I wonder where you can find a small garden gnome at this time of year? Hmmm...

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