Sunday, December 31, 2006

Saying Goodbye to 2006

And hello to 2007...

So, I'm one of these sad souls not our partying it up in welcoming the new year. Why is that? Maybe because 2006 has been a rather crappy year. Okay, maybe only the last 6 months were. In any case, one way to look at things is that with the new year come new beginnings. Maybe.

If I'm not out partying it up, then what am I doing? Well, this evening I made myself a nice dinner of roast chicken. I popped in a couple of DVDs to watch. Now I am in bed listening to some Matthew Good (In a Coma, disc 2) as the clock slowly ticks towards midnight.

What do I want to see in 2007? I really don't know. However, I certainly want to be happier in 2007 than I have been in 2006. I'm not sure how that might happen, but you never know. Life is supposed to be full of surprises, I guess. All a matter of circumstances. How the stars are aligned with your Zoadiac. Blah, blah, blah.

Okay, enough of the sourpuss act here. I guess I am to some extent slightly bummed, bitter and perhaps annoyed at the whole holiday thing this year. Sure there were days when everything seems alright, but on the whole, it's been "Eh".

Five more minutes. Happy new year, dear readers.

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