Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ugh! Take that away, please!!!

Well, the dessert party went pretty well. I might have gone slightly overboard in the drinks department. Oh well. It'll be an excuse for another gathering. :-)
The two-nut chocolate torte came out pretty good despite the fact that I didn't have enough walnuts. I just made up the difference with more almonds. It went quite well with some whipped cream. :) I also put out a cheese and cracker board. Everyone seemed to enjoy a respite from the sugar with the cheeses.

Other desserts? There was pecan pie, tiramisu, Queen Elizabeth cake, muffins, marzipan treats, canolis, assorted pastries... Ugh! Sugar overload! I wish I had taken a pic of all the goodies. Oh well. :-)

Today, I took it easy in the morning. Did some light grocery shopping. I tried to take a short nap before heading off to the hash. I only got to bed last night around 1:45AM. :-p

The hash took place downtown. The hare set a trail for runners but did not for the walkers. So I got volunteered to lead the walkers. The trail for the walk was somewhat lame, but we still covered some distance. The hare f*ed up in that the pub we were suppose to meet and end at was not open until 4PM. Next week's hash is suppose to also take place downtown. Same pub, too. I wonder how that one will go.
POG the Chef
We were lucky that we were able to finish up at Pog's apartment. A run to the nearby supermarket to pick up some food items and beer and the post-hash noshing was in the works. Pog whipped up some curries and rice.

Right now, I am pooped. Fresh air and brisk walks seem to be doing that to me. I guess I should go to sleep soon. :)

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